July 26, 2017 Bible Study — God Calls Us To Mourn the Coming Disaster

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Isaiah 22-25.

    I am not able to fully extract the message of this passage. However, part of that message is a warning to those who see the invaders coming and plan their defense without calling on God. I see it all around me, people who see how the degradation of our culture is leading to the collapse of our civilization, but fail to turn to God. Instead, they seek to implement their own defenses against the disaster they see coming. I, also, know people who see the oncoming collapse of our civilization and, rather than mourn the suffering which will follow, party while times are good.

    And this is where I am missing something. The prophet tells us that those who mourn the suffering that is coming for those who do not follow the Lord will rejoice when that judgment comes (or perhaps at some time after that). In chapter 24, verse 11 the prophet tells us that gladness will be banished from the land as a result of God’s curse. Yet in chapter 24, verse 14 he tells us that all who are left will shout and sing for joy while they praise the Lord’s majesty. The prophet tells us that God is going to be bringing a disaster upon the entire earth, suffering for all. And yet, He will, at the same time, provide refuge for the needy.
    Let us mourn now for the suffering those who reject God will experience. Perhaps by doing so we can convince others to turn to Him, so that when that disaster strikes, they too will be able to say:

“Surely this is our God;
we trusted in him, and he saved us.
This is the Lord, we trusted in him;
let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.”

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