July 23, 2024 Bible Study — The People Walking in Darkness Have Seen a Great Light

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 9-12.

Today’s passage starts with Isaiah prophesying that God will send someone to rule over His people, someone who will be a light shining in darkness.  He concludes that portion of his prophecy by telling us that the arrival will come about by God’s power, not by any action by humans.  In fact, Isaiah goes on from prophesying the coming of the Messiah to speak against the sins of the people.  Despite all that God has done, people have not turned to Him.  Disaster is coming upon the people and all will suffer.  Even those about whom prophets usually prophesy God’s protection will suffer, because there are no innocents.  Even the widows and the orphans do evil against any over whom they have power.  Those whose job it is to guide the people to do what is right, direct them to do evil, both the secular leaders and the religious leaders.  But, it does not matter because the people seek leaders who will teach them to do evil and reject those who call them to righteousness.  We have wicked rulers and wicked leaders because we have chosen such.  Nevertheless, God will hold those leaders accountable for their wickedness.  And despite our wickedness, God has sent Christ to redeem us, to shine light in the darkness.  God will transform a remnant into people who will put their trust in Him.  So, when we perceive the leaders of our nation behaving wickedly, the first thing we need to do is examine our own hearts for wrongdoing.  We need to turn to from our sins and ask God to cleanse us.  Let us walk in the light which God has given us.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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