July 22, 2014 Bible Study — I Will Call Upon The Lord

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Proverbs 19:24-25

    There are people who are too lazy to take advantage of the opportunities which come their way. They will not take the actions necessary to feed themselves.
    The simple minded learn from punishment, while the wise become wiser when their mistakes are pointed out to them.


Psalm 18:1-15

    The opening of this psalm was the basis for a great praise song “I Will Call Upon The Lord. When we are distressed it is by calling out to God that we will be rescued. If we turn to God and rely on Him, He will be faithful and grant us salvation. If we cry out to God He will hear us, no matter how far from Him we perceive ourselves to be.
    The imagery used here to describe how God will deal with anything or anyone who gets in His way when He is coming to rescue those who trust in Him would make the writer of a super hero comic blush. And the psalmist is not being over-the-top! God is He who created the universe, do not for a minute think that there are any obstacles which can prevent Him from coming to your rescue. When you face distress, turn to God and call on His name. He will come to your rescue. No one and nothing can stand against Him.


Romans 7:14-8:8

    Paul here gives us all reason to hope and believe. First he tells us that we are not alone in our struggles. I want to do what is right, but I do not. Paul had the same problem. I do not want to do what is wrong, yet I do. Paul tells us that he too had that problem. He tells us that there is only one way to be freed from this slavery to sin. It is to put one’s faith in Jesus Christ. It is Jesus who is able to free us from our slavery.
    If we are dominated by our sinful nature, we will think about sinful things. On the other hand, if we are controlled by the Spirit we will think about things which are pleasing to the Spirit. Which tells us what we must do in order to be freed from slavery to sin. We must not allow our sinful nature to control our minds and our thoughts. Rather, we must allow God’s Spirit to control our minds and our thoughts. If we do the latter It will lead us to life and peace. Let us banish from our minds thoughts about sinful activities. We can do this by filling our minds with thoughts about spiritual things and things which are pleasing to God. Let us call upon the Lord in all of our thoughts.


2 Chronicles 6:12-8:10

    In his dedication of the Temple Solomon prayed that if the people of Israel turned toward the Temple and prayed to God for forgiveness and deliverance for God to hear them and grant their prayer. Solomon also prayed that God would hear the prayers of those who were foreigners when they prayed toward the Temple. God answered Solomon’s prayer by stating that when people are experiencing distress if they humble themselves, seek His face and turn away from their sins He will hear their prayers and deliver them. If we call upon the Lord He will rescue us.

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