July 20, 2024 Bible Study — Do Not Awaken Love Before Its Time

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Song of Solomon 1-8.

The Song of Solomon provides us with a primer on human sexuality and relationships between the sexes.  Every time I read it I am struck by its repeated advice not to awaken love before its time.  While I believe it is telling us to wait for sexual activity until we have found one with whom we wish to spend our lives, I also think it is advice to society about treating children as sexual objects.  Going back to waiting, the two protagonists in this poem describe their lover as being unique among men or women (the woman describes her lover as unique among men while the man describes his lover as unique among women).  So, we should wait to marry until we find the person who strikes us in a way that is unique among possible partners.  Do not rush to find a sexual partner, or even to find a marriage partner.  Wait until the time is right and God reveals that person to you…and be open to the possibility that God’s plan for us is to remain single.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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