July 20, 2017 Bible Study — Human Sexuality Is Blessed By God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Song of Solomon 1-8.

    The Song of Solomon is a study in appropriate sexual behavior. One of the recurring phrases throughout this passage is variations on this:

Promise me, O women of Jerusalem,
not to awaken love until the time is right.

This phrase has two meanings and is equally applicable to young men as to young women. The first meaning is that a young person should not become sexually active, or even sexualized, until they have reached an appropriate age. I am not going to try to define what they age is because it will be different for different people living in different cultures (although, it is certainly not until well after puberty). The second meaning is that a young person should not become sexually active until they have found the right person. I do not believe that there is only one possible right person for each of us, although it may be a good idea to take that approach while you are looking.

    In addition to the above phrase there are other thoughts and phrases throughout the Song of Solomon which give us glimpses into God’s intentions for human sexuality. There are numerous places where the passage encourages us to have only one sexual partner. The two lovers express a strong sexual desire for each other. They describe each other in glowing terms which reveal their attraction and their love for each other. It also reveals their commitment to each other. For those who are married, the way the lovers describe each other should encompass the way you feel about the person to whom you are married. I know that it does for me.

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