July 20, 2014 Bible Study — Every Good Thing That I Have Comes From The Lord

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Proverbs 19:20-21

    If you want to be wise, take advice, listen to instruction, accept discipline. Actually, not just take advice, listen to instruction, accept discipline, but seek these things out.
    We can make many plans and seek to accomplish the goals which we choose. However, only those plans which align with God’s purposes will come to pass.


Psalm 16:1-11

    Everything that I have comes from God. He is the source of all that is good and nothing but trouble can be found by seeking after other gods. I renew my commitment to make God the focus of my life and to live my life to bring glory to His name. The Lord is beside me and will give me strength. Nothing can shake me so long as I remain at the Lord’s side.


Romans 6:1-23

    Paul explains how, before Christ came into our lives, we were slaves to sin. Through His death, Jesus freed us from slavery to sin. We are dead to the power of sin. I must refuse to let sin control my life. If I give in to my sinful desires, I risk becoming once more a slave to sin. Rather, I will choose to obey God and become a slave to righteous living. We can either “enslave” ourselves to the freedom of doing what is right, or be enslaved to sinful desires. We will be enslaved to whatever we choose to obey. If we choose to obey God, we will be enslaved to righteousness. If we choose to obey our sinful desires, we will be enslaved by them.


2 Chronicles 1-3:17

    God’s response to Solomon’s choice of wisdom is very telling. If we seek wealth, fame, or power, we may obtain those things, but that is all we will gain. If we ask God to give us the wisdom and knowledge to accomplish the tasks He has given us, He will grant us that wisdom and knowledge. And He will grant us other things which we may desire. As Jesus says in Matthew 6, God knows all that we need. If we make seeking His Kingdom our first priority, He will give us everything else that we need.

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