July 2, 2024 Bible Study — Sing to the Lord a New Song

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Psalms 98-104.

In most of today’s psalms, the psalmist tells us to sing praises to God.  He starts by reminding us that God has revealed His righteousness to all of the peoples on earth, and to all people.  God has shown them how He will save them.  Further, we should sing to God, we should praise God with all of our talents, or even with our lack of talents, because He has established equity (fairness) and done what is just and done what is right.  God establishes the very idea of equity, the idea of just, and the idea of right, without Him those words have no meaning.  God made us and called us as His.  We should joyfully sings to Him and about Him because of this.  The psalmist goes on to proclaim that he will try to lead a blameless life.  He will not show approval for the vile and perverse.  He will try to avoid those who do evil and are faithless.  He will call on God to strengthen him to achieve these goals, and praise God for keeping him from sin.    Then in the one psalm today where he does not call on us to sing and praise God(Psalm 102), he cries out to God and requests delivery from his troubles.  After which he praises God for the way in which God answers the prayers the destitute.  The psalmist returns to telling us to praise God by singing joyfully because He has compassion on those who fear Him, just as a father has compassion for his children.  Finally, the psalmist praises God for creating all that is with wisdom.  Let us join the psalmist in praising God for making all that lives, and all that is.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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