July 19, 2017 Bible Study — Moderation In Everything, Even Doing Good

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ecclesiastes 7-12.

    The writer advises us to do everything in moderation, we should even be moderate in being good and being wise. I am not sure that he truly means that it is possible to be too good, or too wise. My understanding of what he means here is colored by the fact that later in this passage he encourages us to enjoy ourselves. There comes a point where our desire to do the good thing, or the wise thing (or both), becomes so intense that it saps all joy from our lives. At that point we have taken those things too far. On the other hand there are other activities which will weaken us, or shorten our lives. Things which, while perhaps enjoyable, when taken to excess give us pain and suffering in the long run. We should be moderate in those activities as well. God intends for us to enjoy our lives, even though they involve struggle and effort. Another point the writer makes, which goes along with the theme of moderation in everything, is that we should diversify our efforts to supply our needs. Do not work at just one thing, find multiple ways to earn your keep.

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