July 18, 2017 Bible Study — Life Is Meaningless…Or, Is It?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ecclesiastes 1-6.

    This passage reminds me very much of my faith story. I grew up in a Christian home and had an understanding of the Gospel from a young age. I was also taught to use my mind and think about things critically. From the time I could reach my own conclusions about faith issues I was torn between the faith which my parents had told me and a desire for proof of God’s existence. After I graduated from college and while I was still in my early 20s, this struggle became severe. As I thought more about my life and spent even more time looking for intellectual proof of God’s existence more and more I asked myself what was the point of living. Life was hard work and what was the point? I even considered suicide at one point, not out of depression, but merely as an easy way out. If there is no God, life is meaningless. Which led me to the conclusion that I could not live life believing that this universe was all that there was. I realized I had a choice: I could live life depressed, or I could choose to live my life as if the Bible was true. I chose the latter. Amazingly within months, I had the proof I had been looking for all my life. I know that God exists. I learned that Psalms 34:8 tells us the only way we can truly know God. The only way to know God is to experience Him for yourself. I learned to know God by choosing to act as if I believed in Him, by doing the things which followed from knowing that there is a God.

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