July 12, 2021 Bible Study — The Wise Welcome Being Corrected For Their Mistakes

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Proverbs 9-13.

The wise and the righteous (but according to the proverb writer I repeat myself) welcome corrections when they make mistakes and rebukes when they do wrong.  On the other hand, mockers and the wicked (again the proverb writer says that I am repeating myself) insult those who correct them and abuse those who rebuke their wrong behavior.  Once again the writer makes clear that wisdom is there for all who will embrace its riches, but folly also calls forth offering pleasures.  The writer points out that the pleasures offered by folly disguise traps which lead to misery and death, while the riches offered by wisdom require effort and hard work. There are many valuable lessons to be learned by the various proverbs contained in today’s passage, but the one I want to highlight is that while wisdom will generally bring wealth, wealth is not what the truly wise most deeply desire.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

6 thoughts on “July 12, 2021 Bible Study — The Wise Welcome Being Corrected For Their Mistakes”

  1. Not meant to offend, but enlighten.

    I quote 1 Corinthians, 27; But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the the things which are mighty.

    1 Corinthians 3; 18-19. Let n man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

    IN SHORT: Truth, and real wisdoms taught by the Father has nothing to do with money or anything of this world at all. It’s about overcoming this world as Jesus did. How? Through real truth that sets ones soul free of this world we are all supposed to overcome through one’s own freedom of thought to think for ourselves. Thoughts that are free of the false teachings of men when it comes to a God few ever find.

    Thusly, real truth does set one free and thus they become a temple of truth, hated by those who are one with this world, a world we are to individually, overtime to overcome. This world divides and separates all things. Think about it.

    1. I do not in any way disagree with what you said, but I do not understand the connection between your comment and what I wrote about Proverbs 9-13. The first thing you appear to misunderstand is what riches are offered by wisdom. Since material wealth is not what the truly wise most deeply desire, the riches offered by wisdom must be something else. And in fact, your comment touches upon what those riches are.

      1. Sorry, I still didn’t react to the scripture you quoted. The scripture you quote touches on those of us who have the real truth of scripture translation through God of scripture different from what they have been taught and teach. For it’s not inline with what man teaches. Sorry for not stating in my last response.

  2. You are correct. I didn’t mention what God offers other than wealth and riches of this world. There are two types of wisdoms. 1. One is connected to this world where riches and wealth are covered, yet there is a wisdom about God, that is not taught or learned within the churches of men. Let me quote the one scripture quoted above one more time and then I will explain.


    Wise in what? God, the Father, and none other than him can take a soul and make it immortal. Now I am a fool as seen by worldly taught men who follow a Christ, which in God’s realm, Christ means, Son’s and Daughters. Has nothing to do with any religions of this world, for they are of this world, not God’s realm.

    God’s true church is invisible, and only inhabits temples of flesh. Flesh that bows only to him and none other. Thus, though not in the Bible, a short scripture which says more than all the words of men, that is connected to a God few find. “Woe to those who need an advocate.”

    Now, I’m a fool in the eyes of men who are of this world, and not of God’s realm within the invisible.

    Note: I learned, and I’ve met others who have learned this truth, not through the teachings of men, but through our heavenly Father above who teaches freely those who seek for truth beyond the teachings of men. Think about it.

    God bless, and not meant to offend, for we are all on the same journey of eternal life. The only difference is just that our truths are different when it comes to God. Which God does one follow? Mammon or God the Father. Remember, you can’t follow both.

    Mammon follows worldly teachings which separates us all.

    God teaches his own who seek deep within themselves who are taught truths beyond the teachings of men, that surpass the wooden cross which represents this world which translates scripture to fit this world only, not God’s realm.

    Why? Worldly men of all religions teach we are not worthy of praying directly to the Father, which is untrue. Worldly religions teach through advocates. Think about it. “Woe to those who need an advocate.” Think about it.

    Who do you pray through? I pray directly to the Father, as my brother Jesus did. Yet, I’m just a man, A fool in the eyes of the worldly, but to my Father, I’m the least of all his Son’s and Daughters, in truth.

    God bless.

    1. I pray directly to God. However, the quote you list as scripture “Woe to those who need an advocate” goes directly against things written in the Bible where it tells us that we have an Advocate before God (and by inference that we need that Advocate). Further, the reason we need an Advocate before God is that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Our Advocate before God is Jesus Christ, who is God. Your comment sounds like you are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or one of its off shoots.
      I will add that I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to preserve God’s words so that anyone who desires, at any point in history, can learn the truth about God. Throughout history God has made it easy for those who seek Him to find Him.

  3. How right you are, but I left the churches of man a long time ago. I belong to no religion of this world, though through my life, I’ve was as a child raised Baptist, and have been a Catholic for my first wife.

    You are correct God has made it easy to find him and comes on an individual basis. Man teaches through repetition, while the Father teaches and touches one soul, thus through the soul, only one spiritual verification from God himself teaches a truth that touches ones soul and never forget.

    God’s invisible church is the New Jerusalem, which has nothing to do with this world or the capital of Israel. Now, I know you probably think I’m really a loony-toon. I’m 72 years of age, and my heavenly Father’s spirit has come upon me many times in the past 20 years and one particular time which when I turned 65, his spirit came upon me and another who asked me if I was going to get on Medicare. With my Father’s spirit upon me I said, “No. My Father above will watch over me.”

    Real truth that saves souls is taught by the Father, not men. The spirit of this world touches billions of people, yet none know the Father, for if they did, they’d walk out of man’s churches as Jesus did.

    Now you think I’m a blasphemer and an anti-Christ. That’s your freedom to think anything you want of me. I do know this, we are all on the same journey. Problem is, many are on the wide road, not the narrow path, Yet in another lifetime, many will find the same truths I’ve found and will rid themselves of the bondage of this world many will never overcome.

    My Father has put before me others who have learned as I have, and they all say the same thing, “Not many of us in the world,” and I say to them, “In Jesus’s time Peter asked him, “How many will enter the Kingdom of heaven?” Jesus answered, “3 out of 30,000.”

    Today’s odds are even worse than then. Many truths I could share with you, but I sense you will be offended by what I’ve already stated and share with you at this short time. Should you remove me from you site, I will understand.

    Let me ask you one question. “If you were God, how would you teach/discipline a spirit/soul? Answer: “Give it flesh, bone and blood, and the freedom to freely think for themselves.”

    Note: When Jesus said, he had overcome this world, what he was saying is, “This world is the hell many fear of going upon death in the flesh.” He overcome it through the Father, as I and others have, thus we may be fools in the eyes and ways of men, but in our Father we are his Son’s and Daughters, and the worldly will never accept that truth for it’s too simple. Man loves complicated doctrines and such to keep the masses under control.

    This world along with many in this world, puts everything into a box, while God’s world is always open and never-ending. There is much truth in this world and all one has to do is seek within themselves, but few do that for they feel comfortable in a box.

    God bless and I’ve enjoyed sharing with you, and hope I haven’t offended you. Truth is more powerful than Love, for one can love many things, yet there are only 2 truths. One is with God, and the other is with this world that has many truths that change pertaining to the time and era’s of man.

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