I am trying something different today. Sometimes when I read a passage, it speaks to me directly. Other times, it speaks to me in context of summarizing what the passage says. Sometimes it does a little of both. Today, I am going to try separating out my commentary on the passage from my summary of the passage. I will see how this works out and may try variations on it as time goes by.
I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

The passage starts out by telling us of a group of warriors who defected from the Israelite army to join David as he marched with the Philistines before Saul’s final battle. This is something I had never noticed before. It suggests that Saul may have been alienating the people he ruled over, causing those who had options to go into opposition to him. David and those with him ended up not fighting against Saul because the Philistine commanders were afraid that they would switch sides in the middle of the battle. After Saul’s death more and more warriors joined David increasing his might until all of Israel made him their king.
David decided to move the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem from where it had been kept since its return after its capture by the Philistines. He had it placed on a cart that was guided by two of the sons of the man whose house the Ark had been kept at up until this point (probably Levites). When the Ark was getting close to Jerusalem, the cart hit a rough spot. Uzzah, one of the two men guiding the cart, reached out to steady the Ark. When he touched the Ark, something happened and he died immediately. This frightened David such that he decided to leave the Ark at the house of a man named Obed-edom. During the time that the Ark was at Obed-edom’s house, God blessed him in ways that were obvious to everyone. After three months, David moved the Ark the rest of the way to Jerusalem.
When the Philistines realized that David had become king of Israel they attacked him. The first time they attacked, David fought them straight on and defeated them. After their defeat, the Philistines returned, prepared for David to attempt what he had done the last time. This time, however, David circled around them and attacked them from the rear, giving them an even more decisive defeat.
Paul starts the letter to the church in Rome by giving them summarizing what he considered important about himself and his message. He starts by saying that he was set apart by God to preach God’s gospel. So, the first thing Paul tells us is that he defines himself according to what God has done, not according to what he, Paul , has done. He then realizes that he needs to say what God’s gospel is. He says that it is concerning Jesus Christ who was shown to be the Son of God through the power of the resurrection of the dead. All of this is a quick summary because he is writing to people who already know the Gospel. Paul finishes by saying that his ministry was to call Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith. Paul follows up his introduction of himself by describing who he is writing to, Gentiles in Rome who have been called by Jesus to follow Him.
Paul points out an important aspect of being a Christian here in what is almost an aside. Obedience to God is a result of faith in God. There are other places in scripture where this point is made, but I wanted to point it out here as well. We behave according to God’s commands, not because doing so brings us salvation, but because we have faith in Him and truly believe that He has saved us already.
Paul goes on to write that he has been planning to come to Rome for some time, but other things have constantly gotten in the way, now it seems like he will finally be able to get there. He tells them that he hopes to be able to impart some spiritual gift to them, but that he does not expect this to be one-sided. He expects that they will have a gift from God for him as well. Paul tells us that he is obligated, that he owes, both Greeks and Barbarians, both the wise and the foolish. His obligation is to bring them the word of God. It is in the interest of fulfilling this obligation that Paul was eager to preach the Gospel in Rome. Despite the troubles that it had brought him, Paul was still not embarrassed of the Gospel, because it embodied the power of God to bring salvation to everyone who believes, both Jew and Gentile. The Gospel reveals God’s righteousness.
Paul states here a theme that will be the centerpiece of this letter: “The righteous will live by faith.” That quote is taken from the second chapter in Habakuk. Paul tells us that the only righteousness we can have is that of God, and the only way to get that righteousness is through faith in God. However, as I mentioned previously, as a result of that very same faith we will obey God. Our obedience does not give us righteousness, our righteousness gives us obedience. Righteousness is a gift from God that we can do nothing to earn and it there for anyone who will accept it. No matter how well we obey God, it does not make us any better, any more righteous, than anyone else. Obedience to God can however give us greater happiness and joy. I obey God because I believe Him when He tells me that certain acts will make me happier and more fulfilled than other acts, not because obeying Him will win me brownie points with God. I can never do enough good to earn enough brownie points to overcome my failings, that can only come through God’s free gift.
God will be known by His acts of just judgment, while the wicked will be caught in the snares and traps they set for others. God will never forget the needy and He will provide hope for the afflicted. Those who make wicked plans will be destroyed by their own actions. God will show those that wish to usurp Him that they have neither the wisdom nor the knowledge to do so, let alone the power.
Everybody wants to be friends of the rich and famous, but nobody goes out of their way to be friends with the poor. Those who give false testimony will pay a price and those who tell lies will suffer for it.