July 1, 2022 Bible Study — God Is From Everlasting To Everlasting, Those Who Love Him Will Praise Him

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Psalms 90-97.

Today’s psalms lay out reasons for us to praise God and to joyfully sing to Him.  Human studies of this earth suggest that once upon a time snow and ice covered most of the land, and that another time most of earth’s land mass was covered with what we now consider tropical vegetation because the earth was so warm.  The oceans rise and they recede.  Over time, everything changes, but God is from everlasting to everlasting.  From before time began God has remained the same without change, and He will remain the same when time is no more.  The psalmist also reminds us that we gain wisdom by recognizing that we are the opposite.  God is an unchanging constant, while we have only a few short years to do God’s will upon this earth.  Yet, if we make God our refuge we will not need to fear the terrors of night, nor attacks by day…if we truly put our faith in Him, we not only will not need to fear but we will not fear those things.  God will send angels to guard us in all that we do, and every where we go.  So, let us take joy in praising God and proclaiming His love and faithfulness, morning, noon, and night.

The wicked believe that God will take no notice of their evil.  They have convinced themselves that there is no such thing as evil and thus are free to do as they please.  But God is the one who avenges those who were wronged.  The God who made us in all of our being hears us and sees us, He knows all of our plans.  He will repay the wicked for the evil they have done to others, but even today if they would only hear His voice and turn to Him He would forgive them.  God will come to this earth to pass judgement and He desires that all creation rejoice at His coming.   Love the Lord and hate evil and then light will shine on you, giving you joy.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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