January 7, 2017 Bible Study — God Will Provide

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 21-23.

    When Isaac was born, once more problems arose from the “work around” which Sarai had contrived with Abram, namely conceiving a son through Sarai’s maid Hagar). Sarah saw Ishmael mocking his half-brother when Isaac was weaned and demanded that Abraham send Hagar and her son away. Abraham was reluctant to do as Sarah requested, but God assured him that He would care for Hagar and Ishmael. This story teaches two things, that the suffering caused by our sin goes on long after the sin itself and that God will extend His grace to those who would otherwise be harmed by the consequences of our sins.

    The story of Abraham being called to sacrifice Isaac represents a very basic insight into God’s will for us. After many years of desiring a son by Sarah to be his heir, Abraham finally had one in Isaac. In this story we learn that Abraham valued serving God more than he valued his son. However, we also learn that there was no conflict between serving God and raising Isaac. Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac in order to do God’s will, but God made it clear that it was His will that Abraham NOT sacrifice Isaac. Isaac was the most valuable thing in the world to Abraham, yet Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac in order to serve God. As I think about this I am reminded of Jesus telling the Disciples that those who love their life will lose it and those are willing to sacrifice their life will keep it. The story of Abraham being willing to sacrifice Isaac is the same message.

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