January 5, 2020 Bible Study — All It Would Have Taken To Save Sodom Was 10 Righteous People

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 16-18.

There are several lessons to be learned from the story of Ishmael’s birth.  One of them concerns faith.  Abram and Sarai are held up for us as examples of people of great faith.  Yet, in this story, Sarai chose to give her maid servant to Abram so that he could have a son by her in order to fulfill God’s promise to Abram…and Abram agreed with her offer.  This in itself teaches us two lessons.  One, we do not need to figure our how to make God’s plan work, He already knows what is needed.  Two, even people of great faith sometimes have moments of doubt.

Ordinarily I try to avoid going over a lesson from a passage which I know I went over previously on this particular passage, but I think the lesson from the Lord’s discussion with Abraham about Sodom is worth reminding ourselves of every chance we get.  In a way, this story is a precursor to what Jesus said about the Kingdom of Heaven being like yeast.  Both this story and Jesus’ parable about yeast tell us that we as Christians have failed in Western Civilization.  If there had been as few as 10 righteous people in Sodom the city would not have been so wicked that God found it necessary to destroy it.  There will always be wickedness around us as long as we are in this world.  But, if we truly express God’s love in our lives, others will feel that love and show it to others around them, even if they continue to reject God.  If we remember that evil is the absence of good and that good drives out evil in the same way that light drives out darkness, we will see how this works.   As we do good there is that much less space around us for evil.

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