January 3, 2025 Bible Study –Seedtime and Harvest Will Never Cease As Long As the Earth Endures

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 8-11.

Whenever I read today’s passage I am struck by God’s promise to Noah and his sons.  Actually, I am struck by what the passage tells us about God’s reaction to the offerings which Noah made after releasing the animals from the ark.

As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease.

This should act as a counter to those theories which arise regularly declaring that if we do not change the way we behave mankind will destroy all life on the planet, or perhaps they declare that the earth will become uninhabitable for humans.  In either case, God’s promise here to Himself, along with His  promise to Noah and his sons, should reassure us that such fears are mistaken.  The day will come when God will bring an end to this earth, but until that day seedtime and harvest will never cease.  That does not mean that we should act in ways which pollute this earth or otherwise damage the environment.  It just means that we should not allow anyone to convince us that doom is pending, whether that doom is nuclear winter, hole in the ozone layer, global warming, or any other potential doom.  God has promised that He will allow nothing to interfere with the cycle of life until that day when He brings about the end of this earth.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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