January 3, 2021 Bible Study God’s Reaction To Noah’s Offering

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 8-11. I have decided to switch from suing the New Living Translation to using the New International Version because, all in all, I prefer the NIV.

When I commented yesterday on the passage which says that Noah walked faithfully with God, I really thought I was going to spend more time on Noah’s drunken incident today.  I will merely make note of the fact that the Bible tells us both that Noah walked faithfully with God, and that, on at least one occasion, he got so drunk he was unaware of his surroundings.  However, today I want to look at God’s reaction when Noah made an offering to Him after leaving the Ark.  God’s reaction was that never again would He destroy all living creatures, that as long as the earth shall endure seed-time and harvest will never cease.  This passage is why I have never gotten terribly frightened by the various environmental scares which have come along.  This does not mean that I do not believe that we should be environmentally responsible, just that I do not believe we need to fear that the irresponsibility of others will destroy the earth.  God has not given mankind the ability to destroy the earth.  Seed-time and harvest will continue until God replaces this earth with a new earth (as we read He will do in the passages a few days ago).  There may be years like “The Year Without a Summer” but they will pass and seed-time and harvest will resume.

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