January 26, 2023 Bible Study — Our Earthly Worship Is Modeled On That Which Happens In Heaven

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Exodus 25-27.

I want to focus on the fact that God told Moses to build the Tabernacle and its furnishings exactly according the pattern which God was about to show him.  This supports the idea written about by the writer of Hebrews that the Tabernacle built by the Israelites was modeled on a Tabernacle which exists in heaven.  The materials described here as being used to build the Tabernacle are those available to the Israelites in the Sinai desert which would most closely mimic the heavenly materials used in the heavenly Tabernacle while being practical for human beings who had to be constantly prepared to move.

Every time I read this passage I am struck by the fact that God instructed Moses to only accept the donations from those whose hearts led them to give, and that he was instructed to accept donations from everyone whose heart led them to give.  That instruction gives me thoughts about how we should finance the buildings we use in worshiping and serving God, and their décor.  Such projects should be financed by those whom God gives a desire to donate for them.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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