January 21, 2022 Bible Study — God Rescued More Than Just The Descendants of Jacob From Egypt

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Exodus 10-12.

I started out today’s blog by writing a paragraph about the Plagues discussed in today’s passage, but when I got to the end of it I realized that it had not actually gone anywhere: nothing I had written in that paragraph said anything interesting.  So, I deleted that paragraph and decided to write just on my thoughts about what this passage says about the Passover.  My first thought on reading the instructions which Moses gave concerning the Passover is that some of them seem to be things he would have told them after they left Egypt.  I suspect that the instructions about celebrating Passover every year going forward was probably something Moses told the people while they were on their way, not something he told them when they were preparing for that first Passover.  I also want to write about where the passage mentions that many other people joined the Israelites when they left Egypt.  I wonder, did any of those non-Israelites who left Egypt with the Israelites follow Moses’ instructions regarding the Passover?  How many of these non-Israelites were choosing to join themselves with Israel to worship God vs how many were just taking advantage of this situation to escape bondage of one sort or another in Egypt?  Were any of those who joined with the Israelites Egyptians who wished to worship God who had performed these wondrous signs?  Personally, I think that there were some from all three groups among those who joined the Israelites when they departed Egypt and that some of them had prepared their houses according to Moses’ Passover instructions.  When Moses followed God’s commands in order to free the Israelites he inspired others to worship God as well.  In the same way, when we do God’s will today we may lead those who observe us to come to know the Lord.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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