January 21, 2017 Bible Study — Being Ready to Go When God Says “Go”

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Exodus 10-12.

    It seems to me that someone edited this passage to make the instructions for Passover clearer (that may have been the original author). Unfortunately, that makes it harder for us today to follow the timeline in this story. The wording in Chapter 10-11 seems to suggest that God told Moses about His plan to strike the firstborn of the Egyptians when Pharaoh told Moses to never come before him again. However, the wording of chapter 12 seems to say that Moses knew about God’s plan before he went to see Pharaoh on that occasion. As I read through this to choose my words, I realized that there are other ways to interpret the timing of the events described than what I have normally thought as I read this.

    The Passover instructions which the Israelites had for that first Passover were all designed for them to be ready to go when God sent the word for them to go. The meal which they prepared was one which could be quickly prepared and which could be eaten while traveling. They were not lounging around in their evening wear, even though this happened at night. They were dressed and ready to travel. We are to live our lives ready to go when God tells us to go.

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