January 2, 2017 Bible Study — The Lesson of Cain

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 4-7.

    Cain killed his brother Abel out of jealousy. God accepted of Abel’s sacrifice, but not Cain’s. What was the difference between them? There were two things different about their sacrifices. Cain’s sacrifice was a grain offering, Abel’s was the best portion of some lambs. Perhaps God found animal sacrifice more pleasing than a grain sacrifice, but I do not think that is the answer. The other difference is that Cain’s sacrifice was merely some of his harvest, while Abel’s was the first born lambs. Abel gave to God first and then looked out for his own needs.
    Cain was jealous of his brother because his brother was more successful than himself. However, rather than change his own behavior in order to become more successful, Cain chose to kill his brother. This is the root of so much sin. We see others being successful but rather than change our behaviors to mirror their success we try to take their success away from them. The result is usually similar to the curse which God laid upon Cain. Not only do we not gain from their loss, but we have to work much harder for basic survival.

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