January 15, 2019 Bible Study — Jacob’s Sons Become a Nation

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 42-44.

There are multiple things which can be discussed about today’s passage, but I am going to focus on one.  Abraham had several sons, but in particular, Ishmael and Isaac.  They each went their separate ways once they were grown.  Actually, we can go back before that.  Abraham and Lot, his nephew, arrived in the land of Canaan together, but soon went their separate ways.  Isaac had two sons, Esau and Jacob.  They each went their separate ways and started their own households.  Jacob had twelve sons who formed the basis for a nation.  Actually, they became a federation of nations.  Why did Jacob’s twelve sons not go their own ways?

The answer is in the story of Joseph.  First, the guilt the brothers felt over what they had done to Joseph bound them together, and made them protective of Benjamin.  Second, they saw the pain Joseph’s loss gave to Jacob, and realized that he would have similar pain at the loss of any of them (as illustrated by what he says about Simeon when they return from Egypt the first time).   Further, they stood together to protect their brother Benjamin.  When Joseph’s cup was found in Benjamin’s sack, they all returned to Egypt.  They could have left Benjamin to his fate.  Or, Judah, or one of the other brothers, could have returned to Egypt to argue Benjamin’s case or offer themselves in his place.  But, no, they all returned to argue for their brother.

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