January 14, 2020 Bible Study — Faithfulness In the Face of Adversity

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 39-41.

I think that the story of Joseph is a lesson about perseverance and not giving in to circumstances.  He was his father’s favorite son with all of the privileges which came with that.  Then his own brothers sold him into slavery.  But he did not let that get him down.  He still used his abilities as best he could.  Then, he was lied about and thrown into prison on the basis of a false accusation (and probably beaten up pretty good along the way).  There in prison he once again applied his skills to the best of his ability.  Then he helped out a fellow prisoner, who promptly forgot about him for two years.  In all that time, he never forgot God, nor did he attempt to take credit for the gifts which God had given him.  He could have easily given in to despair, but he did not.  He could have used what happened as an excuse to quit.  He did not.  He continued to do his best to do God’s will.

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