January 1, 2024 Bible Study — Starting With God

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Genesis 1-3.

I love starting the year with Genesis chapter one: “In the beginning God…”  There is more to this passage than that, but that’s where it all starts, with God.  No matter what you want to analyze, it all starts with God.  Do you want to understand why certain things happened?  Start by thinking about God.  Do you want to know what your best course of action is?  Start by thinking about God.  Do you want to understand how the world works?  Start by thinking about God.  If you think about the God described in the Bible, certain things follow.  A God who created everything that is.  A God who specifically created mankind.  A God who cares about individual human beings, who cares about every individual human being.  A God who plans and directs the course of history.  A God who allows each human being to make their own choices, but desires for each of them to make the choices which are best for them.  If this God exists, then it makes sense that He would communicate with people, that He would create a record to accurately relate what He wants people to know.  Thus the Bible would exist as an accurate account of what God wants people to know about Him.  So, “In the beginning God…”  Let us start our year with God, and let us walk each day of that year with Him.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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