February 9, 2017 Bible Study — Offerings Must Be Without Defect

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Leviticus 22-23.

    Today’s passage starts with a detailed account of who may eat the priestly portion of the offerings of the people of Israel. The gist of it is that they must be a member of the household of a priest’s family and they must be ceremonially clean. As part of the instructions on this there is a re-listing of some of the things which cause a person to be ceremonially unclean reminding the reader of these regulations. This is followed by a recap of the types of animals to be offered for the various types of sacrifice. This recap occurs to remind the people of Israel that their sacrifices must be without defect. Every time I read this I am reminded that the things we offer to the Lord must be without blemish. An important lesson I take from this is that giving my cast-offs, or otherwise used goods, to charitable organizations does not count as an offering the Lord (that does not mean that it is wrong to pass on things I no longer want which others may be able to use). Everything we have was a gift from god, let us be willing to give from the best we have received to show how much we appreciate what He has given us.

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