February 7, 2021 Bible Study Entering Into God’s Presence

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 16-18.

A couple of days ago we read about how two of Aaron’s sons were struck down because they used the wrong sort of fire in their incense burners in the Tabernacle, or, at least that is how it is explained there.  Today we get a little more information about what happened.  We learn that the two had approached the Lord inappropriately.  In today’s passage it lays out what Aaron, his successors as High Priest, must do before they approach the Lord.  What I want to point out here is that only Aaron could approach the Lord, no one else (until his death when someone else took his place), but even Aaron had to go through a complex ritual of sacrifices before he entered God’s presence.  Jesus changed all that.  He became both our High Priest before God, and the sacrifice for entering into His presence.  However, we should remember the effort which Aaron had to go through to cleanse himself to enter into God’s presence and not casually approach God.  We have the right and ability to enter God’s presence, but we must do so reverentially.

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