February 27, 2015 Bible Study — I Do Believe, Help Me Overcome My Unbelief

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Proverbs 10:18

    This proverb points out a connection we often over look. Those who use lies to conceal hatred are the same people who spread slander. Neither of those actions is wise but combined, and they usually are, they bring results that only a fool would seek.


Psalm 43:1-5

    This psalm is a repeat on the same theme as yesterday. The first step to overcoming depression is to put your hope in God and praise Him.

Why am I discouraged?
Why is my heart so sad?
I will put my hope in God!
I will praise him again—
my Savior and my God!

Yes, when I am discouraged or sad, I praise God all the louder and put my hope in Him. Before long my sadness has gone and encouragement has come my way.


Mark 9:1-29

    In this passage a father brought his son to Jesus’ disciples for healing and they were unable to heal the boy. When Jesus returned and spoke with the father the father made a statement of faith which resonates with me greatly. The father asked Jesus to help him and his son if He could. Jesus replied to this by saying that anything is possible for one who believes. At which point the father cries out, in what I imagine is deep desperation (because that is how I would have felt at that point), “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief.”
    I have such great sympathy for the father at that moment, because what he said there sums up my own faith. I want to believe in the power of God, I do believe in the power of God, but I struggle truly having faith in the power of God. I have seen what God has done in the past, and it is marvelous, so I know that He is more than capable of performing miracles in my life. But all too often instead of having faith that God will miraculously intervene, I let my fears keep me from asking Him for a miracle. So, that father’s statement is my statement, “I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief.”


Leviticus 20:22-22:16

    There are two verses out of this which are very important for us. The first is a challenge to us. In chapter 20, verse 26 it says, “You must be holy because I, the Lord, am holy.” I find that challenging because I know that I am not able to be holy enough to measure up to God’s holiness. Then in chapter 21, verse 8 referring to the priests it tell us how we can measure up, “You must consider them holy because I, the Lord, am holy, and I make you holy.” We cannot be holy on our own, but if we put our trust and faith in God, He will make us holy. He will transform us.

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