February 22, 2015 Bible Study

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Proverbs 10:10

    I could not help but think of what is going on in the world today. Those who look for “root causes” rather than confront those who do wrong encourage more people to do wrong. It is those who rebuke wrong doers for their wrong behavior who encourage people to act appropriately.


Psalm 39:1-13

    Every time I read this psalm I start thinking it means one thing, then it goes in a different direction and in the end I am unsure what the psalmist’s point was. That being said, I am going to write about what the first couple of verses mean to me.
    The first thing this psalm reminds me of is the importance of not sinning in what we say. I am convinced that this is an important thing for us to do and it is something I struggle with. As a matter of fact, I often struggle with it to the point where I do as the psalmist did and resolve to keep quiet. I strive to say nothing so as to not give offense, but when I do that those around me who see the world differently start to assume I share their view. Since they believe I share their view, they say more and more things which I find offensive or insulting. Until finally I can stand it no more and my rebuttal bursts forth.
    The key I realize, both from reading this psalm and from experience, is to choose my words carefully. I must let those around me know that I see the world differently, but I must not try to over power them by the force of my arguments. I must recognize that if I am right in the view that I hold (and I am quite convinced that I am, otherwise, I would hold a different one) it will take the actions of the Holy Spirit to convince them. I will not bring anyone to the truth by overwhelming them by the force of my argument. And if I am wrong (as unlikely as I believe that to be), the more forcefully I make my case, the more embarrassing it will be when I discover my error.


Mark 6:1-29

    When Jesus returned to Nazareth, at first, He was well received. However, it was not long before the people began to dismiss His teachings because they had known Him since He was a child and knew His family. How often are we like that? We are happy to hear of a local made good. Until such a time that they start to tell us that we are not doing things the way we ought and that we need to change. Then, all of a sudden, we tend to ask who are they to tell us that we are wrong? Aren’t they from the same background as we are? Where do they get the authority to challenge us?
    Shortly after this Jesus sent out the Twelve to preach repentance of sin and turning to God. On this occasion, He told them to take no supplies with them. They were to live off of the donations of those they met in the villages and towns. However, in each town and village they visited they were to stay with one person or family for the length of their stay in that town. They were to form relationships.


Leviticus 13:1-59

    The passage describes diagnosing various contagious skin diseases. In a society with little or no medical technology the only way to control the spread of disease is quarantine. Later in the passage it addresses the issue of mold in clothing. In a nomadic society where people’s are often packed and unpacked it is important to stop the spread of mold quickly or a person could easily lose all that they own. In addition, we know today that there are molds which are health hazards.

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