February 15, 2023 Bible Study — Similarities Between The Way The Levites Related To The Other Twelve Tribes And The Way Jesus Related To His Twelve Apostles

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Numbers 7.

In today’s passage we once again see the Children of Israel divided into the “twelve plus one” groupings I mentioned a couple of days ago.  In fact, the twelve plus one nature of the tribal divisions is more obvious in today’s passage.  Here the leaders of each of the “twelve” made offerings for the upkeep of the tabernacle.  The first part of these offerings were a cart for every two of the leaders of the “twelve” and an ox from each of them (two of the oxen to pull each of the carts).  These oxen and carts were given into the care of the “one” in order for them to transport the tabernacle and its furnishings.  In addition, the leader of each of the “twelve” offered items to be sacrificed by the leader of the “one”.  I believe it was this passage with the tribe of Levi handling the offerings made by the other twelve tribes which caused me to see a connection with Jesus and His twelve Apostles.  There is more to this parallel between the relationship of the Levites to the rest of Israel and the relationship of Jesus to the Twelve Apostles, but I do not yet have a clear enough understanding of it to write about it.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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