February 15, 2013 Bible Study — The Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Proverbs 9:11-12

     Those who acquire wisdom and plan their actions according to it will benefit from it. Those who ignore wisdom and do not use it to guide their actions will suffer from their choice. It is entirely up to each individual whether they gain the benefits of wisdom or suffer from its absence. You must decide for yourself.


Psalm 35:1-16

     The psalmist calls on the Lord for deliverance from his enemies. He calls on God to smite them. The reason he believes that God will come to his aid can be summed up in a line he repeats, “I did them no wrong,…” When we turn to the Lord and ask Him to rescue us, can we say the same about those arrayed against us? Are those opposed to us repaying us evil for good? Or do they have legitimate grievances against us? Let us be careful not to be the ones who are repaying evil for good. Rather let us repay evil with good. If we are always doing good for those around us, even when we believe they have done us wrong, we will not be the ones the psalmist was speaking of.


Mark 1:1-28

     I like the way the New Living Translation begins the Gospel of Mark, “This is the Good News about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God.” Like most of this Gospel, it is clean and to the point. I looked at other translations to see if the start in the NLT was consistent with how others translated the beginning. When I read it in the NASB, it occurred to me that their translation explains why Mark is so sparse. They translated the first phrase as, “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” While that certainly means the beginning of Mark’s account of Jesus’ life, I believe in a way it also means that Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection are merely the beginning of the Gospel, the Good News, of Jesus Christ. The good news does not end with Jesus’ resurrection. It does not end as long as this world endures, there is always more to learn about the Gospel.


Exodus 39-40:38

     When the work on the Tabernacle was completed this passage describes how Moses set up the Tabernacle step by step. After each step we are told that Moses had done this “just as the Lord commanded him.” Each day as we go through the day we should conduct ourselves the same way, so that others can describe what we have done by saying that we did it “just as the Lord commanded him (or her).” Then we will be a “Tent of Meeting” where people can come face to face with God. Let us build our lives to be just such a place.

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