February 11, 2022 Bible Study — Might Does Not Make Us Right, But Being Righteous May Make Us Mighty

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 26-27.

There is a saying which is usually brought up as a false belief (and accurately so) which says that might makes right.  Even so, there are a remarkable number of people who believe that because they have the power to do something it is right for them to do so.  This passage tells us that the opposite is true: might does not make right, but right does make might.  That is, if we do the right thing we will have the power to continue doing the right thing.  When we do right, when we do God’s will, no force will be sufficient to stand against us.  Further, we will have a surplus of the resources necessary to do God’s will.  On the other hand, as we fail to do God’s will we fail at everything we attempt to even the weakest opposition and will find ourselves with barely enough resources to keep ourselves alive.  This passage tells us that as we refuse to follow God’s guidelines, He will progressively visit troubles and disasters upon us.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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