December 9, 2014 Bible Study — Glory to the One Who Is, Who Was, And Who Is to Come

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. Christmas is coming soon. Let us remember what it is truly about, the birth of Jesus Christ. Let us strive to not be caught up in the commercialism which is what this season is about for many in our society today.


Proverbs 29:18

    When people reject God’s direction, there are no limits on their behavior, anything goes. Those who listen to God show wisdom and find joy. Looking at the world around us it does not take long to see the truth of this proverb.


Psalm 128:1-6

    The psalm has a similar theme to today’s proverb. Except that the psalm emphasizes the joy that comes from following the way of the Lord. Those who fear the Lord will be joyful and successful in what they do.


Revelation 1:1-20

    There is a lot of symbolism in this passage. However, the biggest thing here is the reminder that God is, God was, and He is yet to come. Throughout all of history, God is there. He was there before history began, and He will be there when history is over. Moreover, God, in the form of Jesus, is THE Living One.
    From time to time, there are those who say that God is dead. Jesus’ death and resurrection provides us with the answer to that, as we are reminded here. Our answer to those who say that God is dead is, “No, He was dead, but He is risen from the dead and now will live forever.” He holds the keys to death and the grave. We can no longer be locked away by those two. We need not fear death, or the grave for Jesus hold the keys to release us from their power.


Joel 1-3:21

    The prophet Joel speaks of a time of economic hardship, a time of famine. When such things happen, we are called to turn to the Lord, to fast and pray. These times are God’s call to us to repent our sins, to stop using our wealth for our own pleasure. If we repent, turn to God, and truly feel sorrow for our sins, God will restore our well-being and joy. He will pour out His Spirit on the people of the land.
    Every year when I get to Joel, it is such a relief. For the last few months I have been reading prophets who have been describing a people who resemble the people in our society today and the judgement which God is about to bring against them. It begins to feel like there is no hope, like it is too late for people to turn to God. Then I get to Joel, and he says that if we repent our sins and fast and pray before God, great things will happen.
    Old men will dream dreams and young men will see visions. God will pour out His Spirit on those who serve Him, men and women alike. Terrible troubles will come on all of the earth, but those who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. Let us rejoice, Joel tells us that there is still time for people to repent. Let us repent today and turn to God.

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