December 7, 2015 Bible Study — Support Traveling Teachers

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Proverbs 29:12-14

    When a leader gives credence to a liar, it will not be long until only wicked people are willing to give him advice (and they will gladly do so). Both the oppressor and the oppressed were made by God…and it is God’s intention that they love and care for one another. A government which gives justice to the poor will stand the test of time. However, if and when it stops doing so its days become numbered.


Psalm 126

    Let us live our lives so that those around us will see what God has done for us and say, “What amazing things the Lord has done for them.” In this life we plant the seeds of God’s word in tears and sorrow, but God will give us a harvest of joy and laughter.


3 John 1-14

    The writer encourages us to support those who travel around teaching God’s word to those who do not yet believe. Further, he warns us to be wary of Church leaders who undermine such missions because they are unable to control them. He reminds us not to follow bad examples, but only allow ourselves to be influenced by those who do the right things.


Hosea 6-9

    The words of Hosea were directed at Israel but they can be applied to us today. God wants us to know Him, to fellowship with Him, more than He wants sacrifices and offerings. He wants us to show love to our fellow man more than He wants us to follow any particular set of rules (although the rules He gave us are a good starting point for showing love). We have broken His covenant and betrayed His trust. He wants to heal us, but in order for Him to do so we must stop sinning. How many people do you know who are looking everywhere for an answer, but refuse to look to God? Are we not guilty of doing the same? We look for ways to stop the mass shootings, the acts of terrorism, that have happened lately, but we do not look to God! There have even been headlines claiming that God will not, cannot, help. I know that He can, and will, solve this problem, if we will only turn to Him and ask.

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