December 5, 2022 Bible Study

Today, I am reading and commenting on  2 Corinthians 9-13.

Today’s passage begins with Paul reminding the Corinthian Believers about the importance of giving generously to help those in need.  He tells us that we should give only what we willingly and happily desire to give, not out of a feeling of obligation.  He then writes that God will reward us according to how we give: if we give sparingly, we will be rewarded sparingly, if we give generously, we will be rewarded generously.  Further, the more we do for others, the more we will be able to do for others.

Having written that, I want to focus on Paul’s warning against being sucked in by those preachers who distort the Gospel message in order to benefit themselves.  In fact, some of those he is writing about take his very comments about God rewarding us for generous giving to make change the Gospel to be about material wealth.  Let us test the message of exciting preachers against Scripture; does the message they preach align with the message given us in Scripture?

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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