December 31, 2014 Bible Study — Let Us Praise The Lord Loudly

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. It is the last day of the year. A day when many reflect on what they have done over the last year and what they would like to do differently in the year to come. There is some value to this practice, but I think we should strive to do such evaluations of our lives with greater frequency than just once a year.


Proverbs 31:25-31

    The writer continues to speak about the characteristics of a wife of noble character. He reminds us that someone who is charming may be deceptive and beauty will not last. However, a woman who fears and obeys God has value that lasts her entire life.


Psalm 150:1-6

    How appropriate this psalm is for New Year’s Eve. It calls on us to praise the Lord by making a lot of noise. Let’s look at this list of noisemakers:ram’s horn, lyre, harp, tambourines, strings, flutes, and cymbals. This psalm sounds like directions for a great New Year’s Eve celebration.


Revelation 22:1-21

    The book of Revelation ends with a comment that is a good reminder for the last day of the year. The time prophesied in this book is near. God is calling us to come. Do you hear Him? More importantly, will you respond to His call? And having responded to that call, will you join me in echoing it to those who have not yet heard? All who are thirsty are invited to come and drink freely of the water of life. I invite you to come and drink.


Malachi 3-4:6

    God is sending His messenger to refine us like silver or gold. He will purify us by His Spirit. In order to purify silver and gold it is melted down with fire. In a similar manner God purifies us by putting us through hardship. When we face hardship, let us not shrink back. Rather let us embrace the hardship which God brings into our lives, because it is an opportunity for us to be purified of sins which hinder our service to God.
    The Holy Spirit is going to testify against those who sin. Malachi gives a list of those whom the Spirit will testify against, but they all have this in common: they do not fear the Lord. All of sins result from that same mistake. If we truly fear the Lord we will allow His Spirit to enter our lives and keep us from sin.

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