December 30, 2015 Bible Study — The New Heaven and the New Earth

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Proverbs 31:10-24

    Whenever I write on this proverb I feel like I am sucking up to my wife. However, while she does not do all of the things listed in this parable, she is indeed a virtuous and capable woman.


Psalm 149

    I will praise the Lord. I will sings songs to Him (which means you had better sing pretty loud because I do not sing all that well). I will use what ability I have to praise the Lord. He brings me victory when I am humble (and defeat when I get proud). I will praise His name.


Revelation 21

    John tells us that God will create a new heaven and a new earth to replace the current one which was broken by sin. In that new heaven and earth God will live with His people. There will be no more death, or sorrow, or crying, or pain. Those who serve God in faith will dwell there, but those who revel in sins will not be able to enter this new earth. This is a reminder that whatever pleasures sin brings, it is not worth it. And whatever suffering being faithful brings is only temporary. Those who faithfully serve God have no need to fear death. For those, death is the end of pain and suffering followed by a new life with no pain or suffering.


Malachi 1-2

    The prophet condemns religious leaders who, instead of teaching God’s pure instructions, have taught people to sin. They have shown favoritism in the way they carry out God’s instructions. God will punish them for this. The prophet then condemns the people in general for their unfaithfulness. People wonder why God does not accept their offerings. The answer is because they have been unfaithful to their wives (and husbands). The prophet reminds us that God hates divorce. God is wearied by us when we say that those who do evil are doing good in God’ sight. The passage in Revelation I read today said that the immoral will not enter into the new heaven and new earth. This passage condemns those who practice immorality and those who teach that immorality is not immoral.

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