December 23, 2014 Bible Study — “Not By Might Nor By Power, But By My Spirit,’ Says the Lord

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. Christmas is coming soon. Let us remember what it is truly about, the birth of Jesus Christ. Let us strive to not be caught up in the commercialism which is what this season is about for many in our society today.


Proverbs 30:21-23

    The writer describes four situations that usually turn out badly, although the first and last are variations on the same thing. When those who have not received any training for it are suddenly thrust into positions of authority, they usually make things worse than they were, no matter how bad things were to begin with.


Psalm 142:1-7

    When your troubles seem to be more than you can handle and you do not know to whom you should turn, turn to God. He will give you direction and give you the help which you need. An important thing to remember is that you will need to follow the guidance which God gives you if you want to receive the help He is offering.


Revelation 14:1-20

    John describes three angels who he saw flying over the earth. The first he saw proclaiming the Gospel throughout the entire earth. The second declared that Babylon, the city that had spread immorality throughout the earth, had fallen. The third declared that any who worshiped the beast and received its mark will suffer the torment of God’s judgment. The word translated as “angel” means more generally “messenger”, although in this context it carries the additional connotation of being a divine messenger. I believe that the first angel represents the Church spreading the Gospel throughout the world. The second angel is the message that every world power will fall when it begins to encourage the people of the world to indulge in immorality (although, I am open to the possibility that the “Babylon” in this verse represents a specific world power, but we will not know which one until the end). Finally, the third angel is a warning against joining in the world’s worship of the created rather than the Creator.


Zechariah 4-5:11

    Today’s passage starts with a vision which is later referenced by John in the book of Revelation. However, before Zechariah gets to that, he gives a message that is very important. We will not accomplish God’s will by our great strength, military prowess, or political power. The only way in which we will accomplish God’s will is through His Spirit. However, if we rely on God’s Spirit to do His work, nothing will be able to stand in our way. Every obstacle will be leveled in our path. Let us not lose heart just because we are only able to start addressing a big problem is a small way.
    Then Zechariah refers to the two olive trees that stand before the Lord. He is told that they are the two anointed ones who stand in the court of God. In the book of Revelation, John expands upon this. It is interesting to see how the themes throughout the Bible tie together.
    The passage ends with a vision of two flying women carrying a basket containing all of the sins (the actual Hebrew word translates as “appearance”) of the people of the land. It is revealed that this “appearance” is Wickedness. This wickedness is carried off to “Babylon”. where they build a temple for it and worship it. (I suspect that this passage is in the back of John’s mind when he wrote about the second angel in today’s passage from Revelation). I think that this is a warning for us that the people of this world worship all sorts of sin and that we should be careful not to get dragged into their idolatry.

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