December 22, 2014 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. Christmas is coming soon. Let us remember what it is truly about, the birth of Jesus Christ. Let us strive to not be caught up in the commercialism which is what this season is about for many in our society today.


Proverbs 30:18-20

    Despite the way modern science has learned to explain three of the things mentioned in the article (eagle’s flight, snake slithering, ship’s on water) they are still amazing to watch and hard to understand. When I see a bird in flight, I know the science of how it does it, but I can not say that I truly understand it. The writer says that he does not understand a man’s love for a woman. I cannot completely agree, what I find hard to understand is why my wife loves me.


Psalm 141:1-10

    Verses three and four make statements that we should follow. I ask God to take control of my lips and control what I say. We are reminded that it is easy to drift towards wickedness little by little. First we justify some small wrong on the basis of a greater good, but if we follow that path, soon we justify ever greater wrong. If we share in the spoils of wicked behavior with the wicked, we are complicit in their evil. In addition, if we do so, we are likely to soon take an active part in their wickedness. Let us not fall into that trap. Rather let us pray constantly that the wicked will repent of their ways and turn to God.


Revelation 13:1-18

    John’s vision continues with two beasts, one out of the sea and one out of the land. The first beast was given power by the dragon, Satan. He rose to rule over all of the earth and everyone whose name is not written in the book of life worshiped him. As a result, God’s people will endure persecution and must remain faithful in the face of such persecution. The second beast rose up and exercised the authority of the first beast. The second beast forced all people to worship the first beast. In addition, the second beast performed wonders to promote the worship of the first beast and to punish those who refused to do so.
    Over the years I have seen these two beasts interpreted as being either individual men or as particular nations. I think that this prophecy is a little of both. I think it likely that these “beasts” will manifest as the governments of nations, but that they will reach their fulfillment with particular men who come to rule those governments. In some ways one of the important points to remember is that all governments seek, over time, to become objects of worship. We must reject such worship and remain faithful to God.


Zechariah 2-3:10

    Zechariah prophesied that some day such a large number of people would live in Jerusalem that many of them would live outside the city walls. Is that not the situation which exists today? Israel’s enemies should take note of the rest of this prophesy. Zechariah also prophesied that God Himself would defend the people of Jerusalem. God promised that He would crush those who brought harm against His people.

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