December 21, 2022 Bible Study — Learning To Not Say Anything Which Does Not Bring Glory To God

Today, I am reading and commenting on  James 1-5.

The letter which James wrote is full of many things which I would like to write about today, but I will only get to a few of them.  He writes that we should be quick to listen and slow to speak, and slow to anger.  I find it interesting that he seems to link speech and anger here by telling us that we should be slow to both while being quick to listen.  James also writes that we should not only listen to the word of God, but do what it says.  So, we should be quick to listen to God’s word, and then do what it says.  A little later James explains the importance of being slow to speak (and perhaps to a degree how that relates to being slow to anger).  He writes that if we can learn to regulate our tongue, regulate what we say, we will be able to control everything else we do with our bodies.  I believe that when James writes this he means that we should control both our outside and inside voices.  However, the first step to controlling ourselves is learning to not say out loud those things which do not bring glory to God.  As we do that we can gradually teach ourselves not to think things which do not bring glory to God (or perhaps I should say that we can be gradually taught by the Holy Spirit to not think anything which does not bring glory to God).

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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