December 20, 2017 Bible Study — Accepting God’s Discipline To Serve Him Better

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Hebrews 12-13.

    In yesterday’s passage the writer gave us examples of people who faced all kinds of hardship and suffering for their faith. Today he points out that Jesus endured suffering and death. So, we have no basis to feel hard done by since we have not yet given our lives for our faith. The writer uses the metaphor of running a race to exemplify how we should live out our faith. We should strip out of our lives anything which will hinder our living according to God’s will. As part of that process we should accept God’s discipline. We should view any suffering which we experience as an opportunity to live our lives more totally dedicated to God’s service. While becoming more disciplined is unpleasant as it happens, the results are a cause for great joy.

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