December 18, 2017 Bible Study — Time To Grow Up As Christians

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Hebrews 6-9.

    Today’s passage starts with a continuation of something the writer started writing about in yesterday’s passage. If you have been a Christian for more than a couple of years it is time to move on from the basic teachings. You should no longer need teaching about repenting from sin and placing your faith in God. Baptism, laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment are all first level teachings. If you need further teaching on those things you are an infant in Christ. If, on the other hand, you have matured in Christ it is time to pay attention to more advanced concepts. All too many Churches today spend their time going over the basics of Christianity when what their members need is to be taught more advanced concepts, and all too many Christians want their congregation to focus on such things. The pastor’s weekly sermons in our congregations should not, as a general rule, be on such basic subjects because those who need to hear such messages are unlikely to be there on Sunday morning.

    The writer uses the example of Melchizedek to illustrate how Jesus supersedes and replaces the priesthood of Aaron. The writer makes a couple of points about how this new priesthood differs from the original priesthood. The priesthood of Aaron served in a system of worship which was only a shadow copy of the real one in heaven. Jesus serves as the High Priest in that system in heaven, a system which we are now able to enter in because of His sacrifice. The system administered by the priesthood of Aaron administered a system of physical regulations which was in place to serve as an example of the system which was to come. The High Priest of the order of Aaron offered sacrifices on a regular basis before he was able to enter into the presence of God in the Holy of Holies in the earthly Tabernacle and only he was able to do so. Jesus offered Himself as a sacrifice once and done in the heavenly Tabernacle in order that all of us might enter into the presence of God.

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