December 18, 2014 Bible Study — Look and Be Amazed

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. Christmas is coming soon. Let us remember what it is truly about, the birth of Jesus Christ. Let us strive to not be caught up in the commercialism which is what this season is about for many in our society today.


Proverbs 30:10

    Never slander someone to their employer. This does not mean that you cannot make a legitimate complaint, but if you complain to someone’s boss make sure that what you say is fair and honest.


Psalm 137:1-9

    There will be those who will encourage us to celebrate that which should be mourned and will call on us to forget that which should never be forgotten. Let us dedicate our hearts to remembering and celebrating the joys of following God and reject the call to forget what God has done for us.


Revelation 9:1-21

    My father said that the locusts which John describes in this passage sounded like military helicopters to him. Reading it now, they remind me of military drones. Whatever John is describing, a key part of this vision is that they will inflict excruciating pain for five months on those who do not have God’s seal on their forehead. Those who suffer this pain will wish they could die, but they will not do so.
    After the locusts are done another terror will strike. The next terror sounds like a conquering army that will kill one third of everybody on earth. The army will be mounted on horses that breathe fire, smoke, and sulfur. Once again the description sounds like modern military equipment. John tells us that those who survive will not repent of their multitude of sins. They will continue to prefer the worship of man-made idols to the worship of the living God.


Habakkuk 1-3:19

    When Habakkuk cries out to God demanding to know how long until God brings judgement on the wicked and violent, God replies that He is about to do something which no one would believe if they were told about it. This statement is something for us to remember. I believe that in every generation that God does things which if you told people it was coming, no one would believe you. I know of several things which have happened in my lifetime that I would not have believed before they happened. So, let us look and be amazed at what God is doing.
    Then Habakkuk complains about the destruction which God is bringing. God tells him that He will make it plain. Those who put their trust in themselves will see their trust betrayed. The righteous will live by their faith in God and that faith will be rewarded. Those who trust their safety and future to their wealth and power will experience great sorrow.

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