December 15, 2022 Bible Study — Avoid Godless Chatter And Foolish Arguments

Today, I am reading and commenting on  2 Timothy 1-4.

As I read this I pulled out some verses which I think sum up Paul’s message to Timothy in this letter.  I may not quote them here as I try to write about how they connect together to help us manage our lives in Christ today, but I wanted you to know why what I write below comes out the way it does.

Paul calls on Timothy not to be ashamed of his testimony about the Lord, nor about the suffering which Paul was experiencing.  Paul himself had no shame in these things because he knew God in whom he believed and was completely convinced that God could guard his spirit and soul which Paul and entrusted unto Him.  I also know whom I have believed and am convinced that He is able to guard me until the Day when I will need guarding no longer.  This knowledge will help us to follow Paul’s advice on avoiding godless chatter and foolish arguments, both of which produce quarrels.  The more we get involved in foolish arguments, or spend our time talking about godless things the more ungodly we become.  On the other hand, the more we fill our thoughts with godly things the more we will find ourselves focusing on and doing God’s will.  When we find ourselves disagreeing with others, listen carefully to what they say, compare it to what is written in the Scriptures, and pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance.  If what they say passes these tests, allow yourself to be corrected.  On the other hand, if what they say does not align with the Scriptures, be prepared to gently instruct them in the hope that God will draw them to His truth so that they may escape the trap which the devil has laid for them.  The thought which helps me remain calm and gentle in such discussions is the realization that they will only come to the truth if God draws them to it.  Do not fall into the trap of thinking that you will bring them to God by force of reason, or force of personality.  I struggle with that.  All too often I fall into the trap of trying to use my intelligence and wisdom to bring someone to the Lord.  I have allowed God to speak through me just often enough to believe that He may do so again, but all too often when I try to speak God’s message I speak my message rather than God’s.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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