December 15, 2017 Bible Study — Fill Our Idle Time With Useful Endeavours

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Timothy 5-6.

    I should have written on this passage yesterday, but I accidentally skipped ahead to 2 Timothy. So, I will study it today. Today’s passage starts with advice to Timothy which would have saved quite a few men today from grief had they followed it. We are instructed to treat those older than ourselves as if they were our parents and those our age and younger as our brothers and sisters. We should treat others with respect and purity. Paul proceeds from there to give Timothy instructions for caring for the elderly. He writes that believers should care for those of their relatives who are no longer able to care for themselves to the best that they are able. The Church should only step in when someone has no relatives who are able to care for themselves. Further, those who are able should seek out useful things to do with their time. We should seek useful things with which to fill our time because that is a positive good, but also because we will otherwise fill our time with activities which will lead us into sin.

    Paul continues with more instructions regarding those who should receive financial support from the Church and other items regarding living a Christian life. Then he warns against those teachers and leaders who teach contrary to Paul’s teachings. Paul warns us that such people have an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels. They create friction between people and encourage people to believe that godliness is a path to financial gain. Paul writes that not only is godliness not a guarantee of financial success, but that godliness combined with contentment with out financial status is worth more than any amount of money. No matter how much material wealth we gain in this life none of it will accompany us into the next. If we have food to eat and clothes to wear we have all the financial wealth we should desire. Seeking after wealth is a trap which leads many to sin. The desire for money is the source of many sins. Paul follows this up in his conclusion by warning those who do acquire great wealth to remain humble and not come to believe that their great wealth is evidence of their righteousness.

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