December 12, 2017 Bible Study — Do Not Be Deceived By The Lawless

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Thessalonians 1-3.

    Paul starts out by reassuring the believers that the suffering and persecution which they are experiencing will be worth it when Jesus returns. I do not really like my wording there. Paul writes that those who persecute believers today will experience trouble when God judges the earth and those who are persecuted will receive relief at that time. Paul then reassures them that Christ has not already returned, despite those claiming otherwise. He writes that Christ will not return until after “the man of lawlessness” has been revealed. The context of the passage suggests that “the man of lawlessness” is a particular individual, but it is possible that Paul was instead referring to a cultural attitude. It is also possible that Paul envisioned “the man of lawlessness” as an individual, but the Holy Spirit meant a cultural attitude. In either case, “the man of lawlessness” represents a person, or people, who set themselves up as God. He will perform signs and wonders which will deceive those who refuse to accept the truth of the Gospel. When Jesus returns He will completely reveal and destroy the delusion. Those who stand firm in the Gospel will not be fooled into believing the lie. One of the reasons I wonder if “the man of lawlessness” might refer to a cultural attitude is that I see our society increasingly embracing lawlessness as time goes by.

    In light of this, Paul encourages the believers to stay away from believers who are idle and disruptive. Each one of us should do whatever we are able in order to earn the necessities of life. “Those who are unwilling to work shall not eat,” is Paul’s command to us. Each of us should consider our lives and whether we fill this command from Paul, because it is directed more at those who are idle than at those who are busy (it is more important that I make sure I work for my living than that I not support those who do not). We should never tire of doing good and avoid those who do not obey Paul’s command in this matter. I do not believe that Paul was referring to shunning them, rather just not allowing their indolence to influence us to the same.

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