December 11, 2023 Bible Study — Living Lives of Pure Love for One Another

Today, I am reading and commenting on  1 Thessalonians 1-5.

Paul writes that it is God’s will that we be sanctified.  Paul’s next phrase suggests that part of being sanctified means avoiding sexual immorality by controlling our bodies in ways which are holy and honorable.  Paul writes that when we allow passionate lusts to control our bodies we end up wronging or taking advantage of our fellow humans, instead we should live holy, pure lives, with love for each other.   We should seek to love the people of God in ever increasing degree.

Paul goes on to reiterate that those who have already died in Christ will rise when Christ returns, while those of us still alive will join them to meet Christ in the air. I am unsure if Paul meant that literally or merely as a metaphor, but I am sure that those who died in their faith will meet the Lord first on the day of His return.  He further tells us not to concern ourselves with the date and time of Christ’s return.  However, we should live our lives prepared for His return so that we are not surprised when that day arrives.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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