December 10, 2015 Bible Study — Let’s Keep Working Until We Get It All Right

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Proverbs 29:19-20

    As I read these two proverbs they each remind me of someone in the news. Both of those men have demonstrated that they should have spent more time studying God’s word. Words alone are not enough to bring about a change of behavior. It is only when those in authority take some action that people will change their behavior. Those who speak before thinking through the implications of what they are about to say have demonstrated themselves to be the worst sort of fool.


Psalm 129

    I truly believe that this psalm is a prophecy. Those who hate Jerusalem and the Jewish people will be turned back in defeat.


Revelation 2:1-17

    Every year when I read the messages to the seven churches I am blessed. A couple of things struck me today. The first is that Jesus had a message for each of the churches about what they were doing right, but He also had a message about what they were doing wrong. And His message about what they were doing wrong included Him saying that they needed to repent, or He would bring judgment against them. It is not enough to get it partly right, we need to allow the Holy Spirit to continue transforming us until we are perfected (which is not going to happen in this life).
    The first church, the church at Ephesus, was commended for their hard work, their endurance, and their ability to recognize false teachers. However, Jesus found fault with their lack of enthusiasm. They no longer had the energy for the Gospel which they had when they first accepted it. I have observed that these two things, the positive and the negative, often go together. Those who patiently work hard at doing the Lord’s work and have an instinct for recognizing false prophets/teachers are often boring, uninspired followers of Christ. God wants us to not only patiently endure while working hard at the tasks He has given us. He wants us to be enthusiastic because of the rewards which our faith tells us will be ours.
    The third church, the church at Pergamum, was commended because they were willing to stand up for Christ in the face of persecution, even persecution which led to death. However, they accepted false teachers. In particular, they accepted some who taught that sexual immorality was OK and who encouraged people to be materialistic and greedy. It is not enough to be enthusiastic about proclaiming our faith in Christ. We, also, need to follow His commands about how we live our lives.

    Only the second church, the church at Smyrna, was only given commendation. They were poor and faced persecution. Yet they remained faithful. They were poor in material goods, but in the things which have eternal consequence they were wealthy beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. Let us seek out the kind of wealth which the believers in Smyrna possessed.


Amos 1-3

    When Amos began to prophesy I can imagine that his audience cheered as he listed enemy after enemy of the people of Israel and told how God’s judgment would come upon them. It must have really heartened them to hear him say, “The people of … have sinned again and again.” However, they were probably not so enthusiastic when Amos got to them. It is important for us to recognize that God almost never sends a prophecy that is not also a warning to us. Let us examine ourselves to see if we have forgotten how to do right. Have we filled our houses with wealth taken by theft and violence?

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