December 1, 2018 Bible Study — The Gift Of Love

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

9Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Corinthians 12-14.

    In today’s passage Paul writes about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He tells us that the Holy Spirit gives each and every one of us gifts in order to make us able to fill the role which God has given us. However, the Holy Spirit gives each of us different gifts. God has not called us all to the same roles, so the Spirit has not given all of us the same gifts. Furthermore, we do not decide what gifts we need. After all, they are gifts, therefore the Giver will decide what to gift to give us. However, just as a parent takes into account what gifts a child desires, so God takes into account what we desire. Therefor we should desire the better gifts, which is not the same as desiring the most impressive gifts. One mistake we often make is to think that those with the most impressive spiritual gifts are the most important. Paul states in no uncertain terms that this is not the case. Those with the most “mundane” spiritual gifts are every bit as important as those with the flashiest spiritual gifts.

    In fact, the gift which we should all desire, and which the Spirit will give each of us if we do, is the gift of love. Speaking in tongues is wonderful, but if it is not paired with love it is just so much noise. The ability to prophecy is wonderfully useful, especially combined with great faith, but if the two of them are without love, they are completely and utterly worthless. There are people who seem to have no other spiritual gifts except the ability to love the most unlovable people. When I read chapter 13:4-7 I think of people I know like that. I would rather be one of them than someone who cares nothing for others but can make wonderful speeches and perform great wonders.

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