Category Archives: Daily Bible Study

I am using this website ( ) to attempt to read through the Bible in a year. I am going to try to blog each day on the reading.

January 21, 2025 Bible Study — Do Not Bargain With God, Nor With Those Who Resist His Will

Today, I am reading and commenting on Exodus 10-12.

Before the Plague of Locusts, Pharaoh’s officials told him to let the Israelites go.  So, Pharaoh tried a compromise, he would let the men go to sacrifice to God, but demanded that the women and children stay.  He claimed that Moses had been asking for just that.  Then after the Plague of Darkness, Pharaoh offered to let all of the people go, but demanded that they leave their flocks behind.  When Moses had first appeared before Pharaoh he had asked Pharaoh to allow the Israelites to take a three day journey to worship the Lord.  Each time Moses appeared before Pharaoh after that he did not repeat the part about the three day journey.  He merely spoke God’s word to let His people go so that they could worship Him.  Finally, after the death of the first-born of all Egypt, Pharaoh not just let them go to worship, but ordered the Israelites to leave en-masse.  This was not “take a three day journey into the wilderness, worship the Lord, and return.”  This was “get our of here and never come back!”  Moses had asked for the Israelites to be able to take a three day journey into the wilderness to worship the Lord, but Pharaoh was unwilling to allow that.  Moses did not bargain with Pharaoh, and we should not bargain with the powers of this world.  Nor should we be like Pharaoh and attempt to bargain with God.  We should do what God demands of us.  Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Pharaoh had agreed to let the Israelites take a short trip in order to worship God from the beginning.  It did not happen because that was not God’s plan.  The Israelites faced further hardship due to Pharaoh’s refusal to listen to God, but by facing that hardship they received a lesson in God’s power.  Pharaoh was the most powerful man on earth at the time and he was forced to bow down and do as God commanded.  If we do as God wills, it will go well for us.  If we resist God’s will, it will go badly for us, and God’s will will nevertheless come to pass.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

January 20, 2025 Bible Study — Continue to Do as God Commands, Even When It Seems to Be Failing

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Exodus 7-9.

When God sent Moses to Pharaoh He told him that Pharaoh would not listen, even with the mighty signs which God would display.  Nevertheless, Moses was to speak to Pharaoh, he was to tell him that God commanded that he let His people go to worship Him.  We will sometimes face those who similarly wish to keep God’s people from worshiping Him.  God will sometimes send us to speak His message to those who will not listen.  Sometimes, God will increase the power of His signs until those to whom we have been sent listen just to make it stop, even though they still do not believe in God.  But sometimes we are sent to speak to someone like Pharaoh because those around them will see our faith and believe.   We first see this when Pharaoh’s magicians recognized the finger of God in the plague of gnats.  Then later we see some of Pharaoh’s officials believing the word of God during the plague of hail.  They brought their livestock under cover so as to save them from the hail.   In all of today’s passage, Moses and Aaron must have believed that they were failing.  Yet, God had reached some people through the actions He had directed them to take, and He was not finished.  In the same way, we must remain faithful to the task God assigns to us, even when it seems like it is failing.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

January 19, 2025 Bible Study — When Things Seem to Go Wrong, It’s Just What God Had Planned

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Exodus 4-6.

When Moses asked God what he should do if the Israelites did not believe him when he said God had appeared to him, God told him to throw his staff on to the ground.  When Moses did this, his staff became a snake.  What I had never noticed before was that Moses ran from the snake his staff became.  I am not sure how that plays into what I want to write today, but I wanted to point that out.  I want to start by talking about how Moses was reluctant to do as God commanded him.  In fact, turning his staff in a snake was God’s response to the second of the objections which Moses raised (the first was in yesterday’s passage when Moses asked what name he should say was the name of the god who sent him when people asked, and yes, when Moses asked that he was putting God in with all of the other gods).  Moses repeatedly made excuses for why God should send someone else.  Then, when God had answered all of his objections, he outright asked God to send someone, anyone, else.  Then, after convincing the Israelites to believe in him, Moses went to Pharaoh with God’s message, and Pharaoh dismissed him out of hand, not even giving him a chance to argue his case and demonstrate God’s power.  Not only that, but Pharaoh increased the oppression that the Israelites were suffering under.  Pharaoh made things worse for the Israelites and they blamed Moses for it.  God told Moses to remind the Israelites of the promises He had made to their ancestors and to tell them that He was about to fulfill them.  The Israelites refused to listen to Moses when he told them.  Immediately following the Israelites rejection of Moses, God told him to go to Pharaoh again.  Once again Moses resisted doing God’s will.  I have summed all of this up because I want to point out something.  Despite the fact that Moses resisted doing as God instructed to the point that he angered God, throughout the Bible Moses is held up as one of the greatest servants of God.  Then when he started the mission God had given him, things seemed to go wrong.  Sure, there was a little success at first as the Israelites were initially enthusiastic, but when Pharaoh refused to listen, they became disheartened.  Nothing good had happened for Moses or the Israelites by the end of the passage.  Things had actually gotten worse.  Yet, everything was going exactly according to God’s plan.  So, don’t be discouraged if things seem to be going wrong in your life.  Just do what God has called you to do and trust that He has a plan.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

January 18, 2025 Bible Study — We Are Qualified to Do What God Has Sent Us to Do Because He Has Sent Us to Do It

Today, I am reading and commenting on Exodus 1-3.

The pastor where I worship preached in this chapters one and two last Sunday.  He pointed out that, technically, Moses’ mother followed the pharaoh’s decree to throw Hebrew boys into the Nile when they were born.  He also pointed out, as the translators’ note in the NIV says, that the word translated as “basket” is the same as the one translated as “ark” in the account of Noah and the Flood.  Finally before I get into the devotional portion of my blog today, I noticed a few years ago that the Hebrew spelling of Moses is the same as the Hebrew spelling of the second part of Ramses.  When I thought about this it occurred to me that Ramses means “born of Ra”, or “son of Ra”.  The Hebrews did not say the name of God, so Moses could be read as “Son of (God)”.  Now the passage says that Pharaoh’s daughter named him Moses because she drew him out of the water.  The writer interpreted that to mean that she used the Hebrew word which means “draw out.”  However, she may have meant “son of …” because she had drawn him out of the water and did not know who his father was.  Which, to me seems to reflect the way God often works.  For that matter, even if Pharaoh’s daughter named Moses for the Hebrew word for “draw out,” it resembles the way in which God often works.  When, many years later, Moses returned to Egypt to lead the Israelites, the Egyptians would have heard his name as “son of the god whose name we do not speak”, putting him on the same level of the Pharaoh (most pharaohs had names which meant “son of ‘insert name of Egyptian god here'”).

Which brings me to the devotional portion of what I am writing today (I don’t always have a devotional portion, but I do today).  When God told Moses that He was sending him to pharaoh to bring the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses asked, “Who am I to go to pharaoh?” This was bit disingenuous on Moses’ part, he had been raised in the royal court of Egypt.  But God did not bring that up, instead God said, “I will be with you.”  Here’s the thing, Moses was right, the fact that he had been raised in the royal courts of Egypt were NOT what made him qualified to go to pharaoh to bring the Israelites out of Egypt.  What qualified Moses to do that was the fact that God had sent him to do it.  Then Moses began to truly object to the mission which God was giving him.  “Yeah, but they’re going to ask me to tell them which of the gods you are.  What do I tell them?”  Moses know that God was not one of the gods worshiped by the Egyptians, the Canaanites, or any of the gods of peoples with whom the Israelites were familiar.  God’s answer to Moses was, “They know who I AM, just as much as you do.”

I want to take a moment to state the two important lessons.  The only qualification we need for the task God has assigned us is the fact that He assigned it to us.  And…no matter how much they want to deny it, the people God has sent us to know that He is God, and that He is good.  They may try to make excuses to not listen, just as Moses did, and that he was afraid the Israelites would do, but they know…and, if we follow God’s instructions, the Holy Spirit will reveal God to them.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

January 17, 2025 Bible Study — You Intended Harm, But God Intended It for Good

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Genesis 48-50.

I am going to touch on a few things today.  Perhaps I will try to tie my thoughts on them together, but I do not think that I will succeed.  When Joseph brought his two sons to his father Jacob, Jacob made some statements which demonstrated his trust that God would keep His promises.  As part of his blessings on his grandsons, Joseph’s sons, he gives us a message about how we can keep our faith.  As he began speaking to Joseph and his sons, he repeated the promise which God had made to him, and to his descendants, a promise which God had previously made to Abraham and Isaac.  At the end of his blessings on Joseph’s sons, he told Joseph the following, “I am about to die, but God will be with you and take you back to the land of your fathers.”  The translators’ notes tell us that the “you” and “yours” in that quote were plural in Hebrew, which means that Jacob was talking about Joseph and his brothers (and their descendants).  In the middle of this discussion, Jacob says something which is a message for Joseph about why he should trust God’s promises.  Jacob tells Joseph, “I never expected to see your face again, and now God has allowed me to see your children too.”  When he says that Jacob is giving an example of where God had previously done a good for him that God had not even promised, so Joseph can have faith that God will do that which He had promised to Jacob.  When we struggle with our faith, we should remind ourselves about all of the good which God has already done for us.  Actually, we should regularly remind ourselves of the good which God has done for us.  As we do so, our faith will be strengthened.

I was going to write a bit about Jacob’s prophecy concerning his sons, but I am going to skip over that because I want to wrap up with what Joseph said to his brothers after Jacob’s death.  After Jacob died, Joseph’s brothers were afraid that now Joseph would extract his revenge for what they had done to them.  When his brothers threw themselves upon his mercy, Joseph told them not to be ridiculous.  He would not put himself in the place of God.  While his brothers had intended him harm, the result of their action was greater good than he could have ever hoped for if they did not commit the crime against him (I was going to say “greater good than he have ever dreamed of, but then I realized that he HAD dreamed of it).  When we think that others have done us wrong, we should remember what Joseph said here.  They may have meant to harm us, but God will use it for our good.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

January 16, 2025 Bible Study — God Uses Our Mistakes to Accomplish His Goals

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Genesis 45-47.

I wanted to write about something other than what Joseph said to his brothers when he revealed himself to them, and I still may, but the more I looked for other things to write about the more important that part seemed to me.  When Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, he starts by acknowledging that they sold him into slavery.  However, he tells them that God was using them for His own ends when they did that.  We usually, and correctly, interpret this as being that we should see how the bad things which others have done to us were used by God to bring good things into our lives.  I just realized that there is a more important lesson here.  Joseph told his brothers that God had them sell him into slavery so that he might go ahead of them into Egypt in order to save their lives when the famine came (I want to note that if Joseph’s brothers had not sold him into slavery, he would have starved to death along with them in Canaan).  In the same way, God has used the stupid, sinful things we have done to bring good things to us when we turn back to Him.  This does not mean that we should embrace doing more sinful things, merely that we should accept God’s forgiveness and forgive ourselves.  We should not be angry at ourselves, or beat ourselves up, over the mistakes we have made in the past.  God has used, and will use, our mistakes to accomplish His will.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

January 15, 2025 Bible Study

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 42-44.

The first thing which I thought about was how Jacob’s brothers had changed since they had sold him into slavery because their father spoiled him at their expense.  Jacob sent the ten brothers to Egypt, but kept Benjamin back because he was afraid that harm might come to him.  Jacob was willing to risk the ten brothers, but not Benjamin.  When they needed more food, Jacob still would not allow Benjamin to go, acknowledging that he was willing for Simeon to die rather than risk Benjamin (the passage suggests that Jacob believed that Simeon was already dead).  With all of that obvious favoritism, Reuben offered to sacrifice his own sons if he failed to protect Benjamin, and later Judah offered to be held personally accountable if anything should happen to Benjamin.  The brothers acknowledged to themselves and to each other that they had done wrong to Joseph.  In addition, they tried to make recompense for it in the way which they treated Benjamin.  They did not even think twice about going to Egypt to campaign on behalf of Benjamin.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

January 14, 2025 Bible Study — Joseph Humbly and Patiently Served God While Experiencing Suffering

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 39-41.

Today’s passage starts with Joseph a slave, sold there by his brothers who thought of it as a way to kill him without getting blood on their hands.  Joseph finds himself in this terrible position, but he does not lose his faith in God, and does the best job he can serving the man who bought him.  As a result, Joseph rose up to as prominent position as possible for a slave.  When Potiphar’s wife attempted to seduce him, he could have viewed it as his just desserts (the account does not tell us, but Potiphar’s wife would almost certainly been highly attractive).  However, Joseph chose to remain faithful to God and his master by turning down her advances.  This led to him being placed in jail as an attempted rapist.  His situation was even worse than when he arrived in Egypt.  His faithfulness had resulted in things getting worse for him.  Nevertheless, Joseph did not lose his faith and he continued to do the work which God put in front of him.  And once again he rose up to the highest position he could gain as a prisoner, but still less than his position as a slave of Potiphar.  Then he gets a chance to get the ear of Pharaoh…and nothing comes of it.  In all of this Joseph remained faithful to God.  When Potiphar’s wife attempted to seduce him, after God allowed him to be ripped from his home and sold into slavery, Joseph says ,”How could I sin against God?”  When his fellow prisoners were troubled by dreams, Joseph did not claim an ability to interpret dreams, he said that God could.  After being forgotten for two years and summoned to interpret Pharaoh’s dream, Joseph said, “I cannot do it. But God will.”  Even after having to wait two years after thinking God was going to change his fortune for the better, Joseph did not try to seize glory for himself.  He just humbly carried out the task which God placed before him.  Let us follow his example: remain faithful even in times of trouble, and when opportunity comes, humbly act as God commands.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

January 13, 2025 Bible Study — Descendants of Esau

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 36-38.

I have noticed this before and generally avoid addressing it, but I decided today that I should do so.  Most people don’t even notice it.  Back in chapter 32 after Jacob resolved things with Laban he sent messengers to Esau in Seir. In today’s passage, we are told that Esau moved away from Jacob and settled in Seir because the land of Canaan could not support the flocks of both Jacob and Esau.  I am mentioning this apparent contradiction because I think we need to pay attention to such things, even though I don’t have an explanation I like.  This passage tells us that one of Esau’s wives was Oholibamah, the daughter of Anah and granddaughter of Zibeon.  A little later it lists the sons of Seir the Horite, and tells us that they were chiefs among the Horites.  Two of those sons of Seir were Anah and Zibeon.  So, it is possible that Esau was living with his in-laws when Jacob returned but was expected to return to Canaan at some future time and only made his residence permanent in Seir after Jacob’s return.  I want to note that there are references to things which the writer was familiar with but of which we no longer have any knowledge.  I sometimes wonder if God had chapter 36 placed here so that at some point in time archeological evidence of some of these people would provide corroboration  of Genesis.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

January 12, 2025 Bible Study — Reconciling With Others Requires Careful “Negotiation”

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 33-35.

I have often heard this passage interpreted as an example of Jacob being a deceiver, tricking Esau into letting him travel alone, but letting him think that Jacob would join his household when Jacob had no such intention.  However, this reads to me as a negotiation between Jacob and Esau.  First, Esau invites Jacob to merge his family into Esau’s household” “I’ll accompany you.”  If Jacob had accepted Esau’s offer, he would have entered into a similar relationship with Esau as he had originally had with Laban.  When Jacob politely declined that offer by essentially saying that he would continue to decide what was best for his family and his possessions, Esau offered to take Jacob under his wing and extend his protection to him.  This would have left Jacob as somewhat independent, but subordinate to Esau.  Jacob’s reply to that was, “Thank you, but I am able to protect my family on my own.”  If Jacob had accepted Esau’s offer, his descendants and Esau’s would have been one people rather that the two they developed into.  The lesson we learn here is that the two brothers reconciled and peaceably lived next to each other, even after burying their father.  Jacob made efforts here to make up for the wrong he had done to his brother, and Esau accepted those offerings in the spirit in which they were made.  Esau could have said, “None of that is necessary,” and refused to accept Jacob’s offer, but that would have left Jacob feeling like he was indebted to his brother.  Esau demonstrated his forgiveness of his brother by inviting him into his household, but also demonstrated his respect for him by allowing him to move independently.  Esau could have attempted to forcibly annex Jacob’s family by leaving his men to escort Jacob, but, again, demonstrated his love and respect for his brother by allowing Jacob to stand on his own.

We can learn two lessons from this passage.  If we have wronged another, when we seek their forgiveness we should make it clear that we acknowledge that we did something which gives them a legitimate grievance against us.  And, when someone has wronged us we should allow them to do that which gives them peace that they have made good the wrong they have done.  I believe that Esau had forgiven Jacob long before Jacob gave him gifts, but by accepting those gifts Esau made clear that their relationship had been restored.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.