All posts by AttilaDimedici

January 3, 2013 Bible Study — Responding To God’s Call

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Snow to End The Year
Snow to End The Year

Genesis 5-7:24

     Today’s passage begins with an account of the line of descent from Adam to Noah. The passage then tells us that mankind multiplied on the earth and “the sons of God” saw that human women were beautiful and took some of them as wives. The meaning of the term translated as “sons of God” is not clear, but from context and similar phrases in other texts it means some sort of heavenly or divine being. The result of these relationships was giants and other mighty men of renown. The account tells us that human wickedness became so prevalent that God regretted that He has made mankind. However, God was pleased with Noah.
     God informs Noah that He is going to destroy all living creatures because they have filled the earth with violence. God instructs Noah to build a large boat and to take on board with him a pair of every kind of animal plus enough food to feed himself, his family and the animals. We are told that Noah followed these instructions. He went onto the boat with his wife, his sons and their wives and a pair of every kind of animal and bird (seven pairs of every kind of animal that was good to eat and of every kind of bird). It rained for forty days and forty nights. The account tells us that the waters rose to more than twenty-two feet above the highest peaks. The flood waters covered the earth for 150 days.
     The important phrase from this passage is this, “So Noah did…” Over the last few weeks I have been coming across passages where God speaks to someone and then we are told that they did what God had told them. When God speaks to us we are to listen and then we are to act. God asked Noah to do something that had to be out of his comfort zone. God will often ask us to do things that are outside of our comfort zone. However, there is an important lesson here. God asked Noah to do something outside of his comfort zone, but when he did it God used it to save Noah from the terrible destruction that came upon all of those around him. The same is true of us, God will ask us to act outside of our comfort zone, but if we are faithful and do as He asks He will use those actions to protect us from difficulty that is coming our way.

Out In The Snow
Out In The Snow

Matthew 3:7-4:11

     When John the Baptist was preaching and baptizing many of the “righteous” came out to be baptized by him. John the Baptist referred to them as a brood of vipers. He asked them who had warned them to flee God’s coming wrath, then he told them that it is not enough to show up at the events that people go to to get right with God. It is not enough to go to Creation Festival every year (or whatever the current “godly” get-together is). Your actions day-to-day need to reflect that you regret your sins and have turned away from them. You need to act every day in a way that gives glory to God. You cannot rely on your background or what credentials you have or who you are. None of those things obligates God to you, God can create someone who meets all of those criteria any time He wants. If you do not produce good fruits, you will be thrown into the fire.
     Sometime after this, Jesus comes to John to be baptized. John’s response is that he should be baptized by Jesus. Jesus tells John that it is important that John baptize Him. These two pieces go together. John told the Pharisees, the “righteous” people, that following the forms is not enough. Jesus tells John that nevertheless we should follow the forms. The message here is that being baptized, going to church, doing all the things that people see as religious will not save you from God’s judgment. Nevertheless we should still do those things so that people will know that we are trying to serve God. Doing the things that people perceive as what “righteous” people do does not save us, but that does not mean that they are worthless. They can serve to tell others that we expect to be held accountable for our actions.
     Matthew then tells us that Jesus went out into the wilderness and fasted for forty days and forty nights. During this time He faced several temptations. The first temptation was to turn rocks into food. Jesus’ response is that meeting our spiritual needs is more important than meeting our physical needs. The second temptation is to throw Himself off of the top of the Temple in order to show that God will miraculously rescue Him. Jesus’ response is that we should not attempt to force God’s hand. The third temptation is to do whatever it takes to gain political power. Jesus’ response is that we are to worship and serve only God. These three temptations represent the three ways we are tempted to take shortcuts to make the world a better place. If we meet people’s physical needs they will follow us and give us power, but that comes at the price of getting the people to take care of themselves and look out for those less fortunate than themselves. The second temptation is to claim God’s favor and demand people’s allegiance based on being God’s elect. That comes at the price of showing people how to think for themselves and turns God into our servant rather than we being God’s servants. The final temptation is to acquire political power by whatever means necessary in order to do good once we have it. This comes at the price of making what we think is right more important than doing what God says is right. The summation of these three temptations is that it is not enough to be seeking God’s ends, we must use God’s means to get there. The ends does NOT justify the means. Or to put it another way, you cannot achieve good ends using evil tools.

Waiting For The Birds To Return
Waiting For The Birds To Return

Psalm 3:1-8

     Today’s psalm continues the theme I have seen so far in today’s passages. From the story of Noah, we learned that when God calls us to action, we should take action. From the story of Jesus’ temptations we learned that we should not try to take shortcuts to do what God asks us to do. Now in this psalm we learn that no matter how many people oppose us in doing what God has asked us to do we can have faith that God will make it happen. If we follow the path that God directs us on, He will give us the victory.

Winter Wonderland
Winter Wonderland

Proverbs 1:10-19

     Today’s proverbs warn us against being enticed by those who tell us that easy riches can be had by doing evil. It may seem easy, but in the end those whose greed drives them to do wrong end up suffering for it.

January 2, 2013 Bible Study — Joseph Or Herod, Which Will I Be?

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Light Against the Night

Genesis 3-4:26

     The serpent approached Eve in the Garden and convinced her to eat from the tree that God has forbidden them to eat. The serpent did not come right out and suggest that she eat from it. He first made it seem that he thought the command was applied in areas and ways that it did not. Then he told her that God’s reason for telling them not to eat was petty. An important point is that while Eve, the woman, took and ate the fruit first, Adam was standing there the whole time listening to the exchange between Eve and the serpent. Adam failed to counter the serpent’s arguments or to tell Eve that she should not eat of the fruit. He made no attempt to convince her to not violate God’s command, suggesting that he wanted to eat but wanted her to go first so that he could blame her.
     After Adam and Eve are cast out of the Garden, they have two sons, Cain and Abel. The two brothers gave a gift of the produce of their labor to the Lord. Abel brought the best of the firstborn lambs of his flock. Cain brought some of his crops. God preferred Abel’s offering and Cain became jealous. Abel put thought and effort into giving God a gift from the best of what he had gained. Cain just took some of what he had and made that the gift. God wants our best, not just our leftovers. But Cain, rather than accepting this and resolving to do better in the future, killed his brother. This points up a human tendency to blame those who do better for our own shortcomings. Just like yesterday there is a lot more in this passage that I could talk about, but I need to move on.

Presents Awaiting Delivery
Presents Awaiting Delivery

Matthew 2:13-3:6

     After the wise men leave, Joseph has a dream warning him to flee with his wife and child to Egypt. Joseph heeds the warning and goes to Egypt. When Herod realizes that the wise men are not going to return and tell him where to find the child that they were seeking, he decides to have every boy in Bethlehem who was the right age to be the child killed. Herod takes this action even though he knew the child was the prophesied Messiah. That is not quite true. He knew that either the child was the prophesied Messiah, or the child was no one of any particular significance. If the former, than his attempt to prevent his rise was pointless and he was doing battle with God. On the other hand, if the latter, Herod’s actions were pointless cruelty.
     When Herod died, Joseph had another dream instructing him to return to Israel. While they were preparing to travel, they discovered which of Herod’s sons was ruling in Judea. Joseph has yet another dream warning him away from Judea. As a result, he takes his family and settles in Galilee, in Nazareth. A lesson I need to take from this is that Joseph was very receptive to God’s leading. He followed God’s lead to marry Mary. He listened to God’s warning and fled to Egypt. He listened again to God and when he returned he went to Nazareth.

"Sometimes I Can't Believe My Daughter"
“Sometimes I Can’t Believe My Daughter”

Psalm 2:1-12

     This psalm is appropriate to follow today’s reading from Matthew. I commented how Herod’s action in killing the baby’s in Bethlehem was fruitless and this psalm points up how often the rulers of this earth take similar fruitless undertakings. The psalmist points out that attempting to resist God’s will is a losing enterprise. Rulers time and again attempt to overthrow God’s control over the world. The psalmist tells us that rebelling against God’s rule is destined to end in sadness for those who rebel. On the other hand those who submit to God will experience joy. I will strive to emulate Joseph who listened carefully in order to follow God’s will and not Herod who chose to rebel against what he believed to be God’s will.

1913 Santa Claus
1913 Santa Claus

Proverbs 1:7-9

     Today’s proverb completes the theme. Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge and wisdom. If our starting point is a fear of going against God’s will, we will seek to know and follow His will. On the other hand, fools often act according to their desires without thinking through the implications of their decisions. When you are young, listen to the instructions of your parents allow them to correct your actions and learn from their greater wisdom. Always be prepared to learn from those with more experience.

January 1, 2013 Bible Study — In The Beginning God

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.
     This is the start of a New Year. I did not start this blog until April of last year, I am looking forward to doing this blog from the beginning of the year and the beginning of the Bible.

Bringing In the New Year
Bringing In the New Year

Genesis 1-2:25

Question:What is the first sport mentioned in the Bible?

Answer: Baseball. Genesis 1:1 starts out “In the big inning…”

     Ok, now that I have that groaner out of the way to start the New Year. Genesis starts with what should always be our starting point, “In the beginning God…” That is where it starts. That is where everything starts, with God. Whenever we start anything our fist thought should be about God. That is certainly the place to start the New Year. We are at the beginning of a new year, I am going to dedicate myself to putting God first, at the beginning, of all aspects of my life this year.
     In today’s passage we have two creation accounts. Many people claim they are contradictory, but that is because they read them looking for “errors”. The first account is about the creation of the universe, this world and everything in it. The second account is about the creation of mankind and marriage. In the first account the author is telling us about the creation of the earth and everything on it (including man) and how man relates to the earth and to God. We learn that God created everything in a systematic manner. Then God created man in His own image and gave man dominion over all of the other living creatures. When God finished creating everything, He instructed mankind to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. He completed that command by telling mankind to govern the earth. Govern means to control and bind to your will, so that is part of what mankind has a divine mandate from God to do; bend the earth and the living things upon it to mankind’s will. However, it also means to guide and develop in a productive manner, so mankind also has a mandate from God to guide the development of the living creatures on the earth in a productive (rather than destructive) manner. Even from this first command, we are to be responsible stewards of the earth.
     The second creation account is about the creation of mankind specifically and our relationship to each other, to God and to all of creation. This account tells us that God handcrafted man as an artisan carefully crafts something. I believe that the author is intentionally evoking the image of a potter forming clay into a pot or some other item. The item (in this case man) was carefully created with thought going into every detail. After God had created man, He planted a garden, a paradise where every need was met. As soon as man was created it became obvious that this new creature was a social animal and needed a companion/helper. God then brought each other animal to man so that man could name them, but none of them were suitable helpers for man. This was not done so that God could see if one of the animals would do. This was done to show man that none of the animals would do. God then put man into a deep sleep and took a part of him and created woman. This was to show that man and woman are part of each other, but not identical. God did not create another being just like the first man to be man’s helper. God created woman to be man’s helper, similar but with different characteristics. This is the origin and purpose of marriage. Men and women are complimentary to each other. They bring different gifts and ways of thinking to their relationships with each other. These difference mean that when they come together in marriage, they bring a kind of completion to one another that cannot be formed in any other way.
     There is a lot more I could say about this passage, but I only have so much time. Perhaps I will do a blog on just this passage at some point.

Midge's Kitchen
Midge’s Kitchen

Matthew 1-2:12

     Another good place to start the new year is Matthew’s account of Jesus’ birth. Matthew starts with the genealogy of Joseph (which is legally the genealogy of Jesus). The most interesting part of that genealogy to me is the fact that Matthew makes a point of mentioning five women in Jesus’ genealogy. Those women are Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba and Mary. The first four are women who were of backgrounds that would have ordinarily made them not fit for discussion in polite society. Yet the first three are held up as examples of godly behavior. Tamar played the prostitute with her father-in-law, yet we are told that he was the one at fault. It was he who violated the norms and practices of the day by not arranging for her to marry his third son after the first two died without giving her any children thus leaving her with no means to support herself. Rahab was a prostitute in Jericho who, when the opportunity presented itself, sided with God’s people against her own out of faith in God. Ruth was a Moabitess who left her people after her husband died in order to support her mother-in-law. I do not know why Matthew chose to incorporate these five women (well, OK, I know why he included Mary), but it is noteworthy that, in a society that viewed women as unimportant or even as inherently evil, he chose to include women in the genealogy of Jesus’ father. This is the first indication that this is not just a retelling of a myth, that this story is about something different.
     Matthew then tells us that Mary was betrothed to be married to Joseph. We often translate that as engaged, but it was much more binding than engagement. Next he tells us that Mary was “found to be with child.” This was a major scandal. There were two possibilities. The first is that Joseph had broken his promise to Mary’s parents and had sex with her before the betrothal period was completed and they were married. The second was that Mary had been unfaithful to Joseph and had sex with someone else. Matthew tells us that there was a third possibility. The power of the Holy Spirit had done what was impossible and caused a virgin to become pregnant. Joseph has three choices. He can make a big stink about this and publicly divorce Mary, thus freeing himself from any taint of scandal, but marking Mary as an adulteress and possibly bringing about her death. He can go through with the marriage and take the hit on his pride and reputation. Or he can divorce her quietly and allow her to attempt to keep it all a secret (perhaps marrying the father of the child). Joseph is not a bitter, spiteful man and chooses the last option. However, an angel appears to him and tells him that Mary has not been unfaithful and that he should marry her. Joseph believes and acts accordingly (that is, he marries Mary).
     In due time, Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Shortly after that some prominent men arrived in Jerusalem asking where they could find the newborn king of the Jews because they had seen his star rise in the east. Matthew identifies these men as magi, which would make them the scientists of their day. They studied the stars and other aspects of natural science. Herod was disturbed by their questions, as was everyone else in Jerusalem when the word got out. Herod summoned the experts in the Law and the prophets and asked them where the Messiah was to be born. He knew that this star could only mean one thing, God’s promised Messiah had been born. Herod’s experts told him that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Herod holds a private meeting with the magi and finds out when they first saw the star. He tells them to go to Bethlehem and find the child. He asks them (although in this case it would have been more of an order) to return once they have found the child and tell him where it is so that he can go and worship it. The magi leave Jerusalem and head for Bethlehem. Matthew tells us that the star gave them further guidance and showed them where Jesus was living when they got to Bethlehem. They were overcome with joy at finding the child. They worshiped Him and gave Him valuable gifts. After spending some period of time there with His family they returned home. However, before they left they had a dream and did not return and inform Herod.

I Love My Mother In Law
I Love My Mother In Law

Psalm 1:1-6

     The psalmist gives us guidance on how to start off our year correctly. First, do not follow the advice of the wicked. Second, don’t spend all of your time hanging out with sinners. Third, don’t join in with those who mock and make fun of others. Rather, we should meditate on the law of the Lord, making it the focus of our attention and seeking its advice on how we should live our lives. If we follow the psalmist’s plan we will be well established and that which we turn our hand to will prosper.

Christmas Comes Late

Proverbs 1:1-6

     We begin our year by considering the purpose for which the Book of Proverbs was written. The proverbs provide us with insight into understanding wise behavior. If we study them we will learn to behave prudently by doing what is just and right and fair. If they would study the proverbs those who are easily duped would learn to recognize how foolish and wicked behavior will lead to future unhappiness. If those who may not be gullible but are young and inexperienced study the proverbs they will gain knowledge and discretion. Finally, if those who are already wise continue to study the proverbs they will increase in wisdom. No matter who we are, we will become wiser and better people by studying the proverbs and meditation on their meaning.

December 31, 2012 Bible Study — “I the Lord Do Not Change.”

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.
     This is my final devotion of the year. I have been blessed through this year by doing this and I am looking for the blessings the Lord will bring me in the New Year. This year I started this in April. I am looking forward to starting at the beginning of the Bible and working through it over the course of the entire year. I would encourage everyone to read through the Bible in a year. I pray that others have been blessed by what I have written and that the Spirit guide me in my studies going forward.

Christmas Morning
Christmas Morning

Malachi 3-4:6

     The prophet tells us that God is going to send His messenger before Him. The Lord will follow His messenger and appear suddenly. He will be like the refiner’s fire or a bleaching agent. He will burn away the dross and bleach away the impurities. God will sit in judgment over those who cheat employees out of their wages, those who oppress the widow and the orphan, those who deprive outsiders of justice.
     God calls on us to return to Him. He condemns those who claim that they have committed no sin and do not need God’s forgiveness. God calls on us to put Him first in our priorities, to first dedicate a share of our resources to serving Him. God condemns the people for honoring those who get rich through wickedness. I look at this section of this passage and see a condemnation of our society. There are many who say, “You don’t need God to be moral.” There are many who see people who gained fame and fortune through sin and seek to emulate them. I have failed to dedicate the first fruits of my income to God. I have been convicted over the last couple of weeks about my giving to serve the Lord. I will strive to be more faithful in the New Year.
     Those who fear the Lord will talk with one another and God will take note, placing their names in a scroll (note the similarities to yesterday’s passage in Revelation referencing the Book of Life). The prophet tells us that the difference between those who serve God and those who do not will be obvious. Is it obvious to those around me that I am different? God’s day of judgment is coming and the wicked will be burned up like straw in the fire. Yet the fire that is destructive and burns the wicked will be like the healing rays of the spring sun to the righteous. This passage evoked in my mind something like a scene from a vampire movie. I see a group greeting the sunrise on a beach. Those who are righteous greet the dawn with joy and revel in the beauty of the rising sun. The evil burn up like vampires exposed to the sun, running and screaming in terror as they seek a place to hide from the coming light. In that day there will be no place to hide from the light of God’s presence. I seek to be one of those who will bask in that light, rather than one who flees it in fear.

White Christmas
White Christmas

Revelation 22:1-21

     The writer tells us that a river of the water of life will flow from the throne of God through the city. The tree of life will grow on either bank of the river bearing ripe fruit every month. There will no longer be a curse on anything. I read this as saying that there will be no Second Law of Thermodynamics in the new heaven and earth that God will create after judgment day. The Second Law of Thermodynamics is the one that tells us that everything runs down and decays. After judgment day, we will live in a new creation where nothing ever breaks down. There will be no need for the sun or lamps there because the light of God’s presence will shine on everything.
     Jesus is returning soon. He will come back and bring all creation to completion. The Spirit is calling us to come and drink of the water of life. Let us call to those around us for them to come and drink of the water of life. As I look at the world around me I see many who are thirsty for the water of life, have I done enough to show them where to find it?
     As we conclude this year, I will echo John’s conclusion and with him say:

Come, Lord Jesus.

Preach It

Psalm 150:1-6

     We end the year with a psalm of praise. This psalm calls on us to use everything we can access to praise the Lord wherever we find ourselves. I will praise the Lord every day of my life.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

I will praise the Lord on this final day of 2012 and I will start the day on the first day of 2013 praising the Lord.

Christmas Necklace

Proverbs 31:25-31

     How appropriate that the proverb for today reminds of the other important individual in my life. The psalm reminded me to praise the Lord, now the proverb reminds me to let my wife know how much she means to me.

Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all.

It may be nice to have a wife who is charming (and I do), but charm can be used to deceive. It may be nice to have a wife who is beautiful (and once again, I do), but beauty will fade. The wonderful thing to have in a wife is one who loves and fears the Lord. I am so thankful that along with her other attributes my wife has that as well.

December 30, 2012 Bible Study — No More Death, Or Sorrow, Or Pain

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Snow on Christmas Eve
Snow on Christmas Eve

Malachi 1-2:17

     There is debate about who wrote the book of Malachi. I am not sure why. The book itself tells us that it was written by Malachi, which translates (more or less) as “God’s messenger”. Whether this was the writer’s proper name or merely a title he took as part of his prophetic work is irrelevant. The book was written by God’s messenger.
     There are three parts to today’s passage. In the first part the prophet condemns the people for bringing unworthy sacrifices to God. Rather than bring the best of their flocks to sacrifice to the Lord, they brought the excess. They brought the animals that they would otherwise have destroyed, animals they could not even sell in the marketplace as food. Do we do the same thing? Do we give the clothes and goods we would otherwise throw away to a thrift store or other charitable organization and count it as part of our charitable giving? Do we only give time to serving the Lord that we would otherwise waste? Or are we willing to spend time that inconveniences us to serving the Lord? I had never looked at this in light of the time I spend serving the Lord before and I am challenged by this understanding. All too often I pass on opportunities to serve because they would be inconvenient. That does not mean that that should not be a factor in deciding whether a particular ministry is one to which I am called. It just should not be the deciding factor.
     The second part condemns the priests, the spiritual leaders. The prophet tells us that in the past the spiritual leaders led righteous lives and turned away from sin. By doing this they set a good example for those they led and they were able to pass on God’s instructions to them. The prophet condemns the priests/spiritual leaders of his day for turning away from the paths of the Lord and teaching things other than the words of God. He accuses them of causing people to stumble into sin by their bad example and faulty teaching. He accuses them of picking and choosing which parts of God’s commands to follow. I find this warning very appropriate today. Many of those who proclaim themselves spiritual leaders today openly pick and choose what parts of the Bible to teach, rejecting certain Biblical teachings while proclaiming others. I do not consider myself a spiritual leader, but nevertheless I must examine my life to see if there are areas where I choose to ignore Biblical teaching because I think it does not apply to me.
     The final piece of today’s passage covers marital faithfulness. It is actually two parts. The first part concerns those who worship the Lord marrying someone who worships some other god. The prophet tells us that marrying someone who does not share your faith will cause a divide between you and fellowship with God. The second part tells us that people cry out to the Lord wondering why He does not look with favor on the sacrifices they bring Him. The prophet tells us it is because they have been unfaithful to the “wife of your youth.” I think this passage represents an insight into why the Church in the U.S. has struggled with getting its message through on so many issues. The Church in the U.S. once had a strong position on marital faithfulness and opposing divorce. Bit by bit over my lifetime it has reduced its emphasis on fidelity to marriage vows and sexual purity. We fail to apply Jesus teaching that looking at someone other than your spouse with lust is the same as adultery. I no less than others.

A Family Gets Together on Christmas Eve
A Family Gets Together on Christmas Eve

Revelation 21:1-27

     The writer tells us that after God’s judgment there will be a new heaven and a new earth because the old heaven and earth will pass away. In that day, God will live among His people. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. In the new heaven and earth there will be no death, or sorrow, or pain. God will make everything new in a land that will see no more death or decay. The writer describes the new Jerusalem and tells us that it will have no Temple because God and the Lamb will be its temple. It will not need either the sun or the moon because the glory of God will provide its light. The gates to the city will never shut because there will be no night and no enemies will come against it. Nothing impure, with even the hint of evil, will ever enter into it, nor will those who do anything shameful. Only those whose names are written in the Book of Life will enter into that City.
     When I read this passage it filled me with joy (as it often does). When I wrote the above I found I was unable to capture the feeling that reading this passage created within me. The verse from this passage which speaks about God wiping away every tear and there being no more death there is a staple of most funerals, appropriately so. There is coming a time when God will bring joy and happiness to all who will accept it and put an end to sorrow and suffering. Whenever I read that passage I have this image in my mind of a kindly man or woman taking a handkerchief, wiping the tears of a child who has just suffered some disappointment and comforting them. I picture God as that adult taking each and every one of us and wiping away the sorrows we have felt in this life.

O Christmas Tree
O Christmas Tree

Psalm 149:1-9

     Another wonderful psalm of praise. It is a reminder to not become stuck in traditions in our worship. We should be open to new ways of worship, “Sing to the Lord a new song.” We should praise His name with dancing and various instruments. In all that we do we should praise the Lord. There is a joy in moving and singing that allows us to express our love of God in ways that nothing else can do. We should continually seek new ways to praise the Lord.

Piano Recital On Christmas Eve
Piano Recital On Christmas Eve

Proverbs 31:10-24

     I am happy to say that I have a wife of noble character and she has been a blessing to me. She has encouraged me in my walk with the Lord and has pushed me to follow His leading. I may have never started this blog if not for her encouragement. I thank the Lord every day for Him bringing her into my life.

December 29, 2012 Bible Study — Zombie Apocalypse?

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Snow On Christmas Eve
Snow On Christmas Eve

Zechariah 14:1-21

     Zechariah says to watch for the day of the Lord is coming. When it does, the nations will gather to attack Jerusalem and the city will be sacked. After Jerusalem is sacked, God Himself will do battle against the nations on behalf of Jerusalem and His people. Once again I find this passage reminding me of passages in Revelation, yet when I read closer I see differences which suggest that this prophecy refers to something different than the similar passage in Revelation (although I am less convinced of that here than in the other passages). Zechariah tells us that on that day, God will strike down those who oppose His people and His power and show the entire world that He is the only one to worship.
     Zechariah describes a plague which will strike all of the nations which go to war against Jerusalem. The description sounds much like the Zombie Apocalypse image from many horror movies. Those who survive the plague will go up to Jerusalem each year to worship God. Any nation which refuses to worship God will suffer drought and a resurgence of the plague. I had never realized that the first description of the “zombie apocalypse” was in the Bible. This passage paints a scary image, but it also paints a picture of hope. It describes a day when all of the world will worship God, when people will no longer doubt the existence, might and goodness of God. In that day the effects of fighting against God will be quickly and clearly evident to anyone. Yet even today, the negative consequences of opposing God can be seen by anyone willing to look. Unfortunately very few are willing to look. All too many seem to think that there is no connection between sin and the negative consequences of sin, that if science advances just a little further no one will ever again need to suffer the consequences of their sins. Rather than learning that the way to avoid the consequences of sin is to avoid the sin, they seek a way to “cure” the consequences of the sin. Such an attitude turns us into walking corpses (figuratively even if not necessarily literally).

More Snow On Christmas Eve
More Snow On Christmas Eve

Revelation 20:1-15

     Following the battle between the Rider who is the King of all Kings and the armies of the beast, the writer tells us that an angel came down from heaven and bound the dragon who is the devil. Once he had bound the devil the angel threw him into the bottomless pit for one thousand years. After the devil has been cast into the bottomless pit, those who have been beheaded for their testimony about Jesus and the word of God will be resurrected. They will reign with Christ for a thousand years. At the end of the thousand years, Satan will be released from the bottomless pit. When he is released from the bottomless pit, Satan will gather the armies of the world on a broad plain surrounding God’s people and the “beloved city” (which is generally another term for Jerusalem). Fire will come down from heaven and destroy them. The devil will then be cast into the lake of fiery sulphur along with the beast and the false prophet. This passage certainly bears resemblance to the passage we read from Zechariah today. The armies of the world gather against Jerusalem, which is now in the middle of a great plain. God uses His mighty power to strike down the armies and defend Jerusalem. Yet there are differences. In Zechariah, the attacking armies are struck by a plague that causes them to re-enact a zombie apocalypse scene. In Revelation, God strikes down the attacking armies with fire from heaven.
     Once Satan has been cast into the lake of fire, God will raise the dead for a final judgment. The books will be opened, including the Book of Life. All who had ever lived will stand before God and be judged according to what they had done. When this judgment is complete, death and the grave will be cast into the lake of fire. The writer tells us that the lake of fire is the second death. After all of humanity has been judged according to their deeds, those whose names are not written in the Book of Life will also be cast into the lake of fire. Perhaps I am reading too much into this, but I noticed that the judgment for our deeds is one step. We will all be judged according to our deeds. But after the judgment, those whose names are recorded in the Book of Life will be spared from the second death. We will all have to account for our actions before God. I can and will make no defense of my sins. All I can do is throw myself on God’s mercy in Jesus’ name.

Snow Covered Christmas Morning
Snow Covered Christmas Morning

Psalm 148:1-14

     Today’s psalm is a psalm of praise. It calls on all created beings and things to praise God. When I read this psalm I think of the wonder of God. It reminds me of the beauty and awe I feel when I spend time in nature. Whether it is locally or when I visited the Grand Canyon, the grandeur of looking at nature puts me in awe of how great our God is. This psalm evokes those same feelings of awe and wonder.

White Christmas
White Christmas

Proverbs 31:8-9

     Today’s proverb calls on us to speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves. It calls on us to seek justice to those who are powerless to mount their own defense. We should use what power we have to ensure that those who have less power than us receive justice. This is not just a matter of seeing to it that those who are accused of a crime have an opportunity to defend themselves against the accusations. It is also a matter of seeing that victims of oppression and injustice receive a voice. We are to call for judgment against the powerful when they use their power to victimize the weak.

December 28, 2012 Bible Study — Fear and Trust God

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Christmas May Be Over

Zechariah 12-13:9

     Zechariah prophesies that the day will come when the nations of the world will come against Jerusalem and God will watch over the city and defeat those who come against it. He says that the clans of Judah will overwhelm the surrounding nations. God will pour out His Spirit on the people of Jerusalem. This will cause them to look to Christ (the one whom they have pierced) and mourn what they have done. When that happens God will cleanse the people of all sin and impurity. God will remove all idol worship and false prophets from the land. God will bring His people through fire to refine them like silver and gold.
     I believe that this passage has two meanings. The first is a reference to acts that God is going to carry out (has carried out?) among the Jewish people, although I am not quite sure how or when. The second however applies to all of those who are called by His name. We will pass through troubles and persecutions so that God may purify us in the same way that silver and gold are heated to remove impurities. We should embrace our trials as they represent God’s love for us and attempts to remove things from our lives that make us less than perfect servants to Him. I am not very good at embracing these purifying moments.

Still Beautiful

Revelation 19:1-21

     After the vision of the woman whose name is Babylon and the scarlet beast, the writer hears a great crowd in heaven praising God for His judgments and for punishing the “great prostitute” which was the woman whose name is Babylon. Then again he hears a great crowd (or what sounds like a great crowd) cry out praise to God, who reigns over all. The crowd proclaims that the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb and his bride, who has prepared herself with the good deeds of God’s holy people. Elsewhere in scripture the bride is identified as the Church.
     Continuing on the writer sees heaven open to reveal a rider on a white horse. The rider is named Faithful and True. He judges fairly and wages a righteous war. The armies of heaven dressed in pure white linen and mounted on white horses followed Him. The rider is the Word of God. He has a sword coming out of His mouth with which He will strike the nations. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of all Lords. The scarlet beast gathered the kings of the world and their armies to do battle against the Rider and His army. The beast and his prophet were captured by the Rider and thrown into the lake of sulphur. The beast’s entire army was killed by the sharp sword that came out of the Rider’s mouth.
     There are many metaphors and symbols in this passage and I am sure that there is more meaning than I am capable of extracting. The first thing I see is that the Rider is clearly Jesus on His second coming to judge the earth. I see the sharp sword coming out of His mouth to be a symbol for how His words will strike down those who stand against Him. It is a symbol for how God’s power is different than what we as humans understand as power and yet we are unable to stand against it. All of the mightiest armies of the earth will be slain by this power. The other symbol which speaks to me today is the army that follows the Rider. The army is dressed in pure white linen. In the segment just before this where the crowd proclaimed the wedding feast of the Lamb, pure white linen was referenced as being the good deeds of God’s people. Our good deeds do not save us, rather they provide adornment. But not adornment for us, they provide adornment for the bride of the Lamb and for the army of the Rider. We are to do good deeds, not to make ourselves look good, but to make the bride of Christ look good. Our goal in making the Church look good is because that reflects well on Christ, not so that people look at the Church. There is one final piece to this for me today. The army of the Rider does not assist Him in defeating the armies of the beast. They are merely witnesses to it.

Plants In the Window
Plants In the Window

Psalm 147:1-20

     I will sing praise to the Lord. The psalmist tells us that He heals the brokenhearted and numbers the stars. He is great and mighty in power, yet He cares for those who are hurting. His power is absolute and He supports the humble. God does not take pleasure in our strength and might. The psalmist tells us that God is delighted by those who fear Him and put their trust in Him. It is all too easy to look at only one side of this equation.
      On the one side, God is delighted by those who fear Him. We see fear as a negative emotion and it may be, but fear serves a positive purpose. I occasionally talk about a time when I started to overcome my fear of heights. I decided that I wanted to be able to show myself as fearless. Shortly after that I was in a situation where I was doing some work at a great height. As I worked I reached out to do something and almost slipped and fell. I realized that in my efforts to overcome my fear, I had lost some of my caution. Fear can serve a useful purpose. I stopped attempting to further overcome my fear of heights because my fear of heights is a legitimate fear that causes me to take precautions against falling. Fear of God will cause us to be cautious and look to see if we are doing something to bring God’s anger against us.
     However, fear can also cause us to freeze when we should act, which brings us to the other side of the equation for pleasing God. God is delighted not in those who fear Him alone, but in those who both fear Him and trust Him. If we trust God, we know that He will catch us when we fall. We will know that we do not have to rely on our own strength, which our fear will tell us is totally insufficient to the task of doing God’s will. So, here we have the equation, we fear God, knowing that we have not the strength to do what pleases Him, but we trust God knowing that if we rely on Him, He will provide the strength to do what pleases Him, if we only try.

Rain Against the Window
Rain Against the Window

Proverbs 31:1-7

     Those in positions of power should not get drunk because it may cause them to show unjust favoritism. I will strive to not let my judgment be clouded, so that I may make wise, fair decisions for those who rely on me.

December 27, 2012 Bible Study — Do Not Put Your Trust In Princes

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Perkiomenville Orchestra Prepares
Perkiomenville Orchestra Prepares

Zechariah 10-11:17

     Today’s passage from Zechariah confuses me. It has two parts but I do not see how the two parts fit together. In the first part the prophet starts by condemning the political and spiritual leaders for their failure to lead the people in a godly manner. He then goes on to say that God will make Judah strong and restore Israel. God will bring them back from the lands to which He has scattered them and will destroy those who oppose them.
     Then the prophet begins the second part. In the second part God tells the prophet to care for the flock intended for slaughter. The prophet says that he cared for the flock intended for slaughter and got rid of three evil shepherds. The prophet became impatient with the sheep and tells us that they hated him. He resigned his post and requested his wages. He received his wages which were thirty pieces of silver. At God’s instruction he took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them to the potter in the Temple. God tells the prophet that this reflects how He will give the nation a shepherd that will not care for them, a shepherd that will get fat off the flock without doing anything to benefit it. God promises that sorrow awaits this worthless shepherd.
     Reading this entire passage, I see very little in it aside from the foreshadowing of Judas. The only other thing I see in this passage is that God promises that those leaders who take advantage of their position in order to benefit themselves and do not look out for those they are leading will suffer for their actions.

The Violins
The Violins

Revelation 18:1-24

     Today’s passage begins with an angel coming down from heaven declaring that Babylon is fallen. Yesterday’s passage told us that the prostitute who sat on the scarlet beast was Babylon. Another voice called out from heaven for God’s people to come away from her and not take part in her sins. The voice tells us that she did evil to others and sent terror upon them, now these deeds would be returned onto her. She was arrogant and proud and thought that nothing bad could ever come to her. As a result of her arrogance, her collapse will come swiftly. All the rulers and merchants of the world will mourn Babylon’s fall because they benefited from her self-indulgence. Finally another angel throws a large boulder into the sea and declares that the fall of Babylon will be final and permanent. It will never rise again.
     When I read this passage, I can see how the United States could easily fit into the role of Babylon in this passage. For certainly many of the rulers throughout the world owe their power and position to the patronage of the United Sates. In addition, the economies (and thus the merchants) of the world will suffer greatly if the U.S. were to fall. This is a frightening prospect since I live within the United States. On the other hand, I know from reading commentaries on the Book of Revelation and studying the book from time to time that the writer of Revelation believed that the Babylon he was writing about was Rome. So, I will not pretend that I have a greater understanding of this passage than the man who wrote it. I believe that the message to be taken from it is not that the United States will be destroyed as part of the end times (although that may indeed be part of what this passage is prophesying), rather the message (at least for me today) is that we should separate ourselves from the sins of the nations and societies that we live in. We should not get caught up in identifying ourselves with our country and its interests. Rather we must pursue doing the Lord’s will and preaching the Gospel to all of those that we can reach. We must seek to help the suffering and those in need. I know that I have a problem here. I read many forums and sites that discuss political issues. All too often, I present arguments about what is best for the nation, rather than arguments about what God desires us to do. I do this because I am more confident in judging the pragmatic course for the country than I am in judging what God’s will for our actions (and I am less afraid of ridicule when I argue the former than when I present the latter–I need to lose my fear of ridicule for speaking what I believe is God’s will>

The Conductor
The Conductor

Psalm 146:1-10

     Let all that is in me praise the Lord. This psalm is a great follow on to the message I found today in Revelation. It tells me not to put my confidence in powerful people. The NIV says do not put your trust in prince (in other words, government officials). The psalm tells us that people will die and when they do all of their plans and power will come to nothing. Rather than trusting in men we are to rely on God. He keeps His promises for eternity. He gives justice to the oppressed and fees the poor. I will strive to follow this instruction and neither trust in men, nor fear them. Rather I will strive to place all of my trust in God and the knowledge that He can care for me no matter what men may do or say.

The Orchestra After Service
The Orchestra After Service

Proverbs 30:33

     Today’s proverb seems obvious, if you stir up anger in people they will fight and quarrel. Yet all too many times people attempt to further their positions by stirring up anger against others, then cannot understand why they are unable to reach a compromise among the quarreling parties.

December 26, 2012 Bible Study — Join Yourself With the People of God

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

And a Child Shall Lead Them
And a Child Shall Lead Them

Zechariah 9:1-17

     Zechariah prophecies the downfall of the countries surrounding Israel. He says that they think they are well defended, but they will be destroyed. The Philistines will be so terrified by the coming destruction that they will join with the people of Israel in order to enjoy the protection of God. God will watch over His people and will ensure that no more foreign oppressors overrun their land. God will send their king and He will come riding on a donkey. The King will come to bring peace. God will destroy the weapons of war and free the captives. God will rescue His people and bring peace to the world.

Angels We Have Heard On High
Angels We Have Heard On High

Revelation 17:1-18

     The writer describes how in his vision he saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast with seven heads and ten horns. He was told that she was a prostitute who rules over many waters. The kings of the world had committed adultery with her and the people who belonged to this world had become drunk on the wine of her immorality. The heads and the horns represent kings who will give their power to the beast. The kings will give their power to the beast and together they will go to war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will defeat them. The horns and the scarlet beast will turn on the woman and destroy her.
     There is a lot of symbolism in this passage, most of which I have no idea how to interpret. However, there is one message that I see that some people should take to heart. The woman represents a nation that has ruled over the world by trade and negotiation. She has gained her power, at least in part, by giving to the peoples of the world things that they desire. Nevertheless, they hate her. I am not a big fan of attempting to apply these prophetic passages to modern politics. I generally believe that God does not call us to be involved in politics. However, I think there is a message here that applies to the modern U.S.. If any country in the world today were to qualify as the prostitute from this vision, it would be the U.S.. The U.S. has spread immorality throughout the world in the form of our culture. Despite the fact that many throughout the world have (from a worldly perspective) benefited from their relationship with the U.S., they still hate the U.S.. Ultimately the lesson to be learned from this is that we was Christians are not to be in the business of building up kingdoms in this world. We are instead to put our energy into building up the kingdom of the One who said, “My kingdom is not of this world.”

Three Wise Men
Three Wise Men

Psalm 145:1-21

     I will praise the Lord. I will meditate on God’s majestic splendor and wonderful miracles. I will be one of His faithful followers and praise Him. I will speak of the glory of His Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven. I will not give my loyalty to any kingdom or nation of this world, but only to God Himself and His Kingdom. The Lord lifts those bent under the burden of their loads and helps the fallen. The Lord is righteous and I will call on Him. He will protect me and provide for me.

Mary & Joseph
Mary & Joseph

Proverbs 30:32

     Forgive me Lord for my pride and the evil I have plotted.

December 25, 2012 Bible Study–Tell the Truth and Seek Justice

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

The Wise Men
The Wise Men

Zechariah 8:1-23

     Zechariah talks about what has happened since the people followed the prophet Haggai’s prophecy calling on them to start rebuilding the Temple. He tells them that before they started following God’s will (by working on rebuilding the Temple) the economy was in terrible shape, crime was high and everyone was in conflict with one another. But now that the people are following God’s will in the area of rebuilding the Temple the economy is improving. The prophet tells them that if they want that to continue they must tell each other the truth, they must seek justice in their courts, and they are to stop scheming against each other. If they do this, then not only will they prosper but people of other nations will strive to join with them to share in that fellowship and prosperity. The prophet tells them to love truth and peace.
     We can take a lesson from this. Why is our economy doing poorly? Because we are not being faithful to God. We cannot force others to do what is right, but we can do what is right ourselves. If we who claim to love the Lord return to doing what is right, we will prosper. This does not mean that we will become wealthy (although that might happen). It means that the Lord will provide for our needs. If we follow God’s will for our lives, others will see that we live on an even keel and are not flustered by the troubles and trials we face. They will seek to understand how this can be. We should be honest in our dealings with others. We should not seek after the accumulation of material goods, but rather seek to use our resources to help those in greater need than ourselves. We cannot fix the problems of this world by force. Actually, we cannot fix the problems of this world, only God can. All we can do is show people how God desires us to live and pray that His Spirit convicts them to change. I shall strive to live so that those around me approach me and say, “‘Please let us walk with you, for we have heard that God is with you.” I shall probably fail, but that shall remain my goal.

Four Advent Candles Lit
Four Advent Candles Lit

Revelation 16:1-21

     The writer tells us that seven angels will pour out seven bowls of God’s wrath upon the earth. Each of these bowls will be a plague upon the earth. The first plague will be painful sores on the people who worshiped the beast. It will be followed by first the oceans becoming as blood and then the sources of freshwater. The sun will become hotter, then the earth will be plunged into darkness. Then there will be warfare throughout the earth, after which all the armies of the world will gather to defy God. Finally, an mighty earthquake will come immediately followed by a hailstorm with hailstones of up to 100 pounds. Yet after each of these plagues, not only will people not repent of their sins and turn to God, instead they will curse God for the suffering they have brought on themselves. Do we not see this in the behavior of those around us? A tragedy occurs and people do not examine themselves to see what they have done that might have led to it. Instead they blame other people and God for allowing it to happen. After each tragedy, let us instead strive to look for what we can do to ease the pain and suffering of those who have experienced it and look to see what we are doing that may have contributed to this tragedy. Rather than seeking to place blame, let us strive to be more obedient servants of God going forward.

Mary & Joseph
Mary & Joseph

Psalm 144:1-15

     The Lord will be my ally and my fortress. He will shield me and defend me. Who am I, a mere mortal man, that God should care about me? Yet He does. He rescues me from troubles and delivers me from evil although I am completely undeserving. I will praise His name as long as I shall live.

King Herod
King Herod

Proverbs 30:29-31

     Today’s proverb is another one of the “three things, no four” sets in Proverbs that are really cool to read. Yet, I struggle to understand what the author is saying. Today he refers to four things that walk with confidence, that strut about. Is he telling us to follow their example? Or is he telling us that they are full of empty pride? Or is he telling us that just because someone struts about acting as the top dog it doesn’t mean they are all that powerful? Or, perhaps he is telling us that just because the last person we saw posturing was an empty windbag, that does not mean that the next one will be.