I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

When Jehoshaphat returned from visiting King Ahab (where he had joined King Ahab in going into the battle where Ahab was killed) a prophet confronted him for befriending Ahab. The prophet told him that God was angry with him for aiding the wicked king Ahab, but happy about his destruction of Asherah poles and commitment to seeking the Lord.
The passage tells us that Jehoshaphat went out among the people all throughout the land he controlled, encouraging them to be faithful to God. While doing this he appointed judges throughout the land, setting up a system of appeals. He instructed the judges to think carefully before pronouncing judgment and to remember that they were to please God with their judgments, not people. They were to pass judgment in fear of the Lord, with faithfulness and integrity.
Sometime after this, three of Judah’s neighboring countries allied together against Jehoshaphat and gathered their armies to attack him. Jehoshaphat sent out word to the whole nation for a fast seeking God’s guidance and help against these enemies. He called an assembly of the people and led them in a prayer requesting the Lord’s aid against their enemies. When Jehoshaphat finished praying a prophet received word from the Lord that they were to assemble their fighting force and march forth to meet the enemy armies. The prophet told them where they would find the enemy, but told them that they would not need to fight. God would defeat the enemy for them.
The following morning Jehoshaphat led the army out to battle. He instructed the men to have faith in God and believe the message from His prophets. He then appointed singers to lead them in songs of praise as they marched. While the army of Judah sang praises to God and marched to battle, their enemies had a falling out and began fighting among themselves. By the time the army of Judah arrived at the point where they planned to take their defensive position, the three armies had destroyed each other. Jehoshaphat and his men plundered the dead of the enemy armies. It took them three days to gather all of the plunder. When word spread of what happened the other neighboring kingdoms were afraid to make war against Jehoshaphat.

Today’s passage is one of the great calls to missionary work. Paul says (my paraphrase), “How can they call on God if they don’t believe in Him? How can they believe in Him, if they haven’t heard about Him? How can they hear about Him unless somebody tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them about Him, unless we send them?” So, this is not just about those who are missionaries, but also about the congregations which send them out to be missionaries as well. In other words, we have an obligation not just to preach the Gospel to the unbelievers but also to commission and send others to preach to the unbelievers. To those who welcome the good news of God’s Salvation, those who bring the message are to be praised.
However, not everyone welcomes the good news of God’s Salvation. While faith comes from hearing the Gospel, not everyone who hears it accepts it. Paul here speaks about how many of the Jews rejected God’s salvation. He points out that Jews have been rejecting God’s commands and His messengers for their entire history. However, he is quick to point out that it has never been all Jews, that God has always had those that he reserved for Himself. The salvation of these Jews comes purely by God’s free and undeserved grace. Paul tells us that because the Jews rejected God’s salvation, God aroused their jealousy by extending it to Gentiles. He wanted them to claim His salvation for themselves by accepting His free gift. Paul tells us that the Gentiles were enriched by the Jews rejection of God’s salvation, but the entire world will be even more blessed when the Jews turn to God and accept His salvation.

Overall this is a Messianic prophecy, but there are some things that apply not just to Christ here.
and given him the joy of your presence.
For the king trusts in the Lord.
The unfailing love of the Most High will keep him from stumbling.
This reflects Christ, but it could certainly be changed slightly and read to apply to us as well.
I read it today like this:
and given me the joy of your presence.
For I trust in the Lord.
The unfailing love of the Most High will keep me from stumbling.
For this is certainly true, God has given me eternal blessings. He has given me the joy of His presence and His unfailing love keeps me from stumbling as long as I trust in Him.

There is a time to plow and plant if we want to eat at the time of harvest. Sometimes it takes effort on our part to gain the advice we need from those who have it to give. Am I willing to be that faithful friend who is so hard to find?